Hello, I am pleased you liked the post. Certainly a vegan/vegetarian diet is a healthy lifestyle choice. I have tried a vegetarian diet on and off and found it tricky to maintain. I plan to go that way again and stay on a vegetarian diet. You are very correct in what you say about Salmon. Most fish that people eat contains high levels of heavy metals, so I guess they should include spirulina in their diet to. Wild caught Salmon is better than farmed Salmon. Personally, I do not like fish that much. And yes cronometer is a pretty awesome tool.
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Yeah sure, It's tricky to maintain especially for a lot of people who think binary, meaning they should either be a vegetarian or an omnivore. But to be honest most people who think binary want to label themselves to be something in order to feel better about themselves.
So i think if you want to eat meat, it's all good. But it's most certainly objectively not the healthiest way to go about it :)