I am thankful that I got to have a nice visit with a good friend of mine, named Sophie, that I hadn't seen face to face in six or seven years.
It was a wonderful visit, too short but wonderful just the same. :D
We saw each other and it was like we'd never been apart. We caught each other up on each others day-to-day lives.
We reminisced about the peacekeeping tour we were on together and the misadventures and joys of that tour. :D
My kids were there to catch her up on their lives and she caught them up on her kids lives as well. :D
My kids and I got the pleasure of making a couple new friends as well because Sophie was traveling with a couple friends. We had a great time sharing stories and making new memories to keep us happy until our next get together. :D
Sorry my answer is so long. Have a wonderful day. :D
Congrats! For being thankful!!!... and also for winning Steem Dollars from this post!
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That's awesome! Thank you very much. :D