
I gave away 50 flyers then it started raining :(, I even got someone at the pizza place to sign up ha, It's hard to get people to sign up on the spot. I got 5 people on the spot to sign up. I will try again next week I want to get T-shirts made as an incentive for them to join. Do think that's a good idea? I think people love free stuff and a free steemit shirt for them to sign up on the spot I think would work. Overall it was a good day my son had fun too :)

I see you were paying attention! Thanks- Followed.

I upvoted and followed. Your vote is worth one cent, I am not close to that yet. I am at .00094

Thank you! Ah I don't care about the up vote pay lol we will all get there one day I feel steemit is still small enough where it feels like a community. Even though the past two weeks I have seen huge growth and its getting harder to keep up with my feed! Thanks again @gem777