Oh I love the taste of meat alright, but considering the suffering that is involved in my tastebuds, I would prefer to learn to love other tastes... however - the sickness situation is such that I am going to sit with this a while. I am much too undisciplined to be able to deal with this sort of limitation in my physiology right now...if ever. To me how they are raised and how they are slaughtered is important. Temple Grandin, who teaches at UC Boulder, and is one of the first people to be diagnosed with Autism, figured out a way for them to be slaughtered humanely but of course no one implements this because why??? I don't know. Unresolved fear of death or something - but if they are not slaughtered humanely their collective fear, shock, pain, and sadness is collected in the morphogenic field which covers our planet - over 6 billion animals PER DAY being slaughtered on planet earth - 99% in fear and pain and agony - it's not doing much for our vibes... in addition to the fear, pain, and agony shooting through the meat and we take that into ourselves as our nutrition. Think about that next time you buy meat from the supermarket.
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The only thing I would add to that is this. Animals kill other animals for food on a constant and ongoing basis, and they don't spend any time thinking about how humane the killing is. They just kill and eat. The death of a prey animal is usually a gruesome thing, but it happens constantly. That energy of death is collected in the morphogenic field continuously also.
Humans are actually the only creatures on the face of this earth that think about the treatment of other animals, the 4 leggeds, humans are the only ones who concern themselves with the humane treatment of their prey animals, and the humane killing of their prey animals. Not all humans are capable of this kindness to other creatures, and not all humans care about the other animals, being only concerned with their own personal needs and desires.
I prefer to look at this in a way similar to the Native American outlook. We are not above nature, we are not separate from the rest of nature, we are part of nature, and nature is part of us.
We eat meat as well as plants because it's the way we evolved on this planet. We obviously don't need to eat as much meat as the average American eats, but we do need to eat some meat as part of our dietary needs. Without it, we have to go to greater lengths with our food to get the proteins, amino acids, and fats that our bodies need to function properly.
I think that as thinking feeling beings, the least we can do is to treat our food animals at least as humanly as we can, preferrably more humanely than we treat other humans. When the time comes, they should be killed as humanely as possible.
Sorry about the long reply, I got on a flow of consciousness and had to write it down.
@amberyooper - I am happy with your long reply. That's why I am on Steemit. To have these kinds of conversations. I understand your point-of-view completely. And it used to be mine. It has a dab of Darwinian "evolution" ary theory in it: "Survival of the fittest". It also contains some "social" Darwinism - "dog eat dog" as well, both of which i have come to view as a Deterministic Psy-Op Paradigm put forth by the Dark Luciferian cabal that has been running the slave-state on planet earth for thousands of years … As I said - I listened to Mark Passio's podcast on Carnism and my world-view began to change. I began to see that "darwinian evolutionary theory" is bunk - yes it's true that a species "evolves" physically up to a point, and then - when it has evolved - if it is a species capable of holistic intelligence - (humans) then it is given FREE WILL and can evolve itself through CONSCIOUSNESS - Consciousness is broken down into 3 parts essentially - Thoughts>Emotions>Actions - all 3 of those should be congruent if the being is to be aligned with itself. I began to ask myself some questions - I have a dog. In Thailand they eat dog meat and have dog farms. People are in an uproar on facebook about the treatment of dogs on the dog meat farm in Thailand - calling the Thai's "sick".
Really? What the hell is the difference between dogs and cows? I look at that and I think about the 4 trees next to my building… a developer came along the other day and began to scrape the brick bungalow next door and literally hacked out the 4 trees with his backhoe - it hurt my heart - and I think about these things - because I am CONSCIOUS. I am awake. Yes, we have a small cabal of psychopaths running the world who give orders "people" who are asleep, who want to be ordered around, who agree to take the orders in leu of their own moral code - hence we have the condition we are currently living in. Do I want to participate in that. Yes, animals kill other animals for food in a gruesome manner, but humans have the capacity for holistic intelligence - we do have the capacity for change IF we are not indoctrinated into a system that tells use we can't change - and we buy into one of the 2 paradigms: "cultural religion" or "darwinian "evolution"", both of which have a common denominator of "we can't change" - our free will has been removed in both cases. In the darwinian psy-op - it's because our "genes" or our "animalistic nature" determine our behavior and in the religious psy-op "God" is the determiner… I no longer buy in to either of these paradigms… I know that I have the power, the free will and the duty to use my FREE WILL and align my thoughts, my emotions, and my actions…
Hence, I am looking thoughtfully at eating meat. I have found, gratefully, a farm that does humane slaughter. A few of my friends easily went vegetarian when we all started to "wake up" to this situation - however, I am just writing this article so that others can share with me - and lay out their point-of-view on the matter. Yes, I agree too with the Native American point of view but we are not living in Native America - we are living in a factory farm - in which "As above, so below, we farm animals (our brothers and sisters of another dimensional generation in consciousness) and we are farmed - how much different is us, living in a society where we use fake pieces of paper backed by nothing that is printed by the Dark Luciferian cabal, to determine how we trade our energies, and we have to work 40 hours a week, then a percentage of that is stolen by the same cabal via the IRS which is also a private company just like the Federal Reserve or else we our freedoms are taken by these "authorities" (of which there are none in Nature really)… I do now want to participate in this system now that I am coming to after a long slumber…
The true "evolution" belongs to an occulted "principle" of evolution and involution - centropy and entropy - which basically means that if we don't take ACTION we are going to DIE - centropy and EVOLUTION are the ACTION principle and entropy - or INVOLUTION are the decay and die through INaction principle. This knowledge has been occulted - hidden - so that there would be a power differential on planet earth so that the "ruling elites" could "know" and enslave us and "we" could "think" that Darwinian "evolution" is our fate - for which, by the way, there is no proof - in the fossil record...
We evolved physically up to a point, and now we have FREE WILL to act in a conscious manner using EMPATHY - and you mentioned that there are some people who don't care - yes that is true. If we are to not go extinct pretty soon - those who can care need to be awakened and those who can't - are psycopaths who need to be removed from their position of power given to them by the darwinian dog-eat-doggers...