
Oh no! I would imagine somewhere must have it- the problem would be finding pink dragonfruit opposed to white! White is more common than pink so I often find that outside of where it grows, they usually are selling the white variety! You could use white though anyway, the strawberries will make it pink, just not shocking pink :P

I've tried specialist supermarkets and not been successful, I think I can maybe order them online though. They are expensive here but I'm sure it will be worth it 😊 They look so beautiful and I'm so curious what they taste like!

Wow you are very committed to this hunt ;) worst case I'll have to mail you one ;)

I might just have to take you up on that ;)

The pink dragon fruit can be found a most Asian grocery stores in London @lolzwithlisa I live in East London and you can get them every where even try the Turkish grocery stores and the skin should be pink in order to get the lovely pink color in @heart-to-heart breakfast smoothie hope that helps.

Ahh thanks so much for the tip 😀 I tried a big Asian supermarket but they didn't have any, didn't think to try a Turkish grocery store! I used to live in east London myself but it was a few years ago- before I heard about this mythical fruit heh, where abouts in east London do you live?