

yup. follow me to start seeing why and how!

Besides saying "follow meh", i'll let you know that this is how:

  • I'm constantly learning how to give my body(ies) the conditions necessary to self heal. This is free.
  • Therefore, I don't need drug assistance from a medical doctor. Yearly spending becomes: $0.
  • Since my health is always improving, I don't pay for scam insurance. Yearly spending becomes: $0.
  • Now that I understand this "sickness" is only the body's reaction to cleansing and detoxing bad materials, I have allowed my body to detox completely (rather than suppressing it with drugs) and as a result, I've found many ways and methods to detox and get this junk out. Now, I do not get these detox symptoms. Even though they have not come back, I welcome these symptoms and I seek other ways to get these bad past items out of my body!

Many people have a hard time understanding this because of the information that has been shoveled down their throat (literally) since they were children. Their parents didn't know better.

Good information that will help: Health care is giving your body what it needs. Your body is your health. This is how you "care" for it. You don't learn what you need by watching TV and listening to the advertisement campaigns for restaurants, energy drinks, pharmaceutical drugs, supplements, etc. You learn by watching nature and eating more and more in alignment with the diet that primates thrive on. (We = primate.)

I hope this helps! :)