Follow the second-hand around with your eyes, breathe deeply, clear your mind and relax your body.
- 6 seconds - breathe in
- 7 seconds - breathe out
- 2 seconds - hold breath after exhale
clock design by @fraenk
How to qualify:
- Leave a comment with the words "Starting meditation."
- Then use the clock above to help you meditate for at least 1 minute
- Then leave a reply to your first comment with the words "Finished meditation."
Your two comments must be at least 1 minute apart
The winner will be determined immediately following the 7 day payout period!
Feel free to meditate for longer if you like:)
Looking down the comment list, I can see that some people never finish their meditating. Presumably something has happened to them. Is this proof that meditation is in fact very unhealthy? That people might actually die in the process?
Please, do not think about dying whilst you are meditating - just don't think about it. Don't let the word "dying" enter your head.
No, it means that a few of them just forget to breathe. Which prove usefulness of practice through meditation 😂😂😂
That would be unfortunate. Dying because they couldn't follow simple instructions.
This is so funny---you just distracted me from my meditation! Lol!
Blame it on the ADD/ADHD culture we live in!! probably got a more relevant text, snapchat, actual phone call, human interaction, take out the garbage... Meditation is about staying focused. No judgement, we all just keep trying! much love
Do I look like a sheep?
Nope, still not doing it.
Nope, didn't do it.
baaahhh.. ;)
Bears don't say baaahhh. They roar. I think you have some identity issues which you need to sort out.
Really, I'm not joking. You have to decide if you are a sheep or a bear.
I have decided.. and I am a trans-species animal. If you disagree with that you will go to jail!
Ok, can't argue with that (or I'll go to jail).
Should consider it, why not? It is an amazing thing for your mind and body. It isnt for anyone else but you. You spent more time posting here than you would have spent meditating.
"You spent more time posting here than you would have spent meditating." (Do I detect a little tension or agitation in that sentence? :) )
And? I really don't get your point.
Do you think that my posts here are stressful for me? There's more than one way of relaxing, you know.
No tension or agitation. I love you either way.
"No tension or agitation"
That was just a little bit of a joke.
I got it..Thanks for the plug BTW. It would have come in handy if i posted more i guess.
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Starting meditation
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Starting meditation
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starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation.
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starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting Meditation
starting meditation
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Starting meditation
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starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
Starting meditation
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Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting Meditation
Finished Meditation
Starting meditation
Starting meditation.
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starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
start meditating
stop meditation
Starting meditation
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starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation
Starting meditation
Finished mediation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation.
start meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation.
finished meditation.
starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished Meditation.... I feel refreshed. Please keep the great positive suggestions coming!
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
starting meditation
Finished meditation