Follow the second-hand around with your eyes, breathe deeply, clear your mind and relax your body.
- 6 seconds - breathe in
- 7 seconds - breathe out
- 2 seconds - hold breath after exhale
clock design by @fraenk
How to qualify:
- Leave a comment with the words "Starting meditation."
- Then use the clock above to help you meditate for at least 1 minute
- Then leave a reply to your first comment with the words "Finished meditation."
Your two comments must be at least 1 minute apart
The winner will be determined immediately following the 7 day payout period!
Feel free to meditate for longer if you like:)
starting meditation
finished meditation
I just finished my medication as well!
starting meditation
finished meditation
this was a quick and promt 1 minute intermission before I go back to code with renewed focus!
Starting meditation
finished meditation
Start meditation
Finished meditation
Finish meditation
starting meditation
finished meditation
This is brilliant lol using steemit to step away from steemit to meditate. I love it.
Starting medication
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation..
Finished meditation... Feel a lot better :)
starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation..
finish meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
starting meditation
finished meditation
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @steemit-health!
Starting meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
starting meditation
finished meditation
starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
starting meditation
finished meditation
starting meditation
finished meditation :)
starting meditation
finished meditation
starting meditation
finished meditation
Congrats! For clearing you mind!!!... and also for winning the liquid STEEM / SD from this post! (total value paid out in STEEM)
You were selected randomly as the winner based on a public lottery number
@steemit-health I am grateful and very flattered. This is the first time I ever won a lottery in my whole life. Thank you so much...))
Starting Meditation... finished.
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting Meditation
Finished Meditation
By the way, I finished the meditation, what benefit if I do persistantly?
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
starting meditation
finished meditation
starting meditation
finished meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation @steemit-health
starting meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
Starting Meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.
Started meditation
Finished meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation. My head is clear and I feel relaxed. Thanks @steemit-health.
starting meditation
Finished Meditation
Starting meditation.
Finished meditation.