That's right!!!
You could win STEEM just for being thankful!
@steemit-health aims to help individuals reach their own personal health goals through social accountability and financial incentives.
"I started steemit-health to motivate myself and others to achieve their health goals. The mission is to develop simple and convenient applications that integrate health right into the Steemit experience. The healthier we all are individually, the more successful the Steemit community will be as a whole." - @dan-atstarlite
Make sure to follow @steemit-health, check your feed, and enter what you're thankful for every day!
The winner will be determined immediately following the 7 day payout period!
New car!
Congrats! For being thankful!!!... and also for winning Steem Dollars from this post!
You were selected randomly as the winner based on a public lottery number
My family and friends health and happiness
My family and friends health and happiness
For a good haircut and a natter with the hairdresser
I am thankful for clean water
Thankful for my son's smile! He has 4 teeth now and every time he smiles, it's the most adorable thing ever!! And while I am ABSOLUTELY BIASED, Others have said the same thing, so I may not be completely out of the realm of reality :)
Thankful for Friday!
Thankful for a friend's marriage
For finding a great article about SegWit:
thankful everyday for the good people around me
For good potato harvest
Thankful for the nice summer sun
for being alive
Am thankful for @ned and @dan for creating they are wonderful.
I'm thankful for my beautiful family
I am thankful for a wining steemit-health twice so far!
I'm thankful for good health!
i am thankful for the way bitcoin cash went up today.i bought when it was @$700 ,and it went downtrend for about a week or so,
My friends
Thankful that God is absolutely so mindful of me.(Jer 29:11)
i am thankful to be on steemit :D now i am having day dreams :P
I am thankful that I have a loving family
For rainy day.
I'm thankful for weekend.
learning from my mistakes
I am thankful that I am here for another day.
Thankful for all the information I've discovered
I'm thankful for my health!
I am so very thankful for my family today
for another sunny day
Today I am thankful for the good healthy dinner I am about to eat!!
for my dad :)
My parents
My relatively good health!
Four day weekend, heading to Nebraska for the eclipse!
my left arm
I am thankful for the little things in life
I'm thankful that it is the weekend tomorrow! :)
For my Dog.
Today I am grateful for friendship.
Thankful for time to relax!
Thankful my mom's hip is not fractured!
I am thankful for end of the week.
All the people who have made my life so rich and full
I am thankful for my strong body and all it’s working parts
for the sunshine!
Today is Friday.
Thankful for pleasant weather.