That's right!!!
You could win STEEM just for improving your life.
@steemit-health aims to help individuals reach their own personal health goals through social accountability and financial incentives.
"I started steemit-health to motivate myself and others to achieve their health goals. The mission is to develop simple and convenient applications that integrate health right into the Steemit experience. The healthier we all are individually, the more successful the Steemit community will be as a whole." - @dan-atstarlite
Make sure to follow @steemit-health, check your feed, and enter your resolution every day!
The winner will be determined immediately following the 7 day payout period!
Spend more time in the sun , when it's out 🇬🇧🤔
Eat more healthily
My resolution for today is to pay all pending bills.
my resolution for today (or maybe the next days) is to reach 100 followers on steemit and organize my first art contest! :)

To pace myself in my new job.
Going digital marketing classes from deepak
My today’s resolution is to just relax and spend time at home
To exercise a lot !
Go for a bike ride
My resolution for today is to go for a run but it is been raining heavily today so I don't know if that will happen
Congrats! For improving your life!!!... and also for winning Steem Dollars from this post!
You were selected randomly as the winner based on a public lottery number
Manage my frustration better by just walking away.
to eat healthy foods
To take the dog on a long walk
Do a 1h run in a park near my home
Work on math videos!
I need to get serious about earning on steemit
To do research on Steemit today
Prepare for my sons Birthday.
Tell him to bless up! from the hunter :)
to learn something different.
Go for a long walk and clear my mind
My resolution for today is to workout for at least 1 hour
Open my mail
to go on a walk
Work hard for better future.
Man, I don't get it! What is the real value of a post like this?
Every day I see less and less quality content and more and more contests and fundraising and donations and memories and all kinds of other beggars! Steemit does not grow with you !!!!
Study some Spanish and Algebra!
Taking a walk
Go to bed early
Buy GAS tokens :))
To practice yoga.
cook for the family for once
I will spend less time on Steemit.. I'm on here a bit too much...
Write more on the book I am close to finishing!
More smiles!
My resolution for today is to watch a documentary with my brother and his girlfriend about how polish people defeat the communism in their country.
Lose 10 pounds before my wedding. Two months from now, should be doable.
I resolve to see be positive and see the blessings in every situation even though I may not think so at the moment.
Get enough sleep today.
Keep my sense of humor.
to share another freeze dry experience :) it's been awhile and I have a few things on the go to share!
Get some rest.
Work on the aquarium! It is a mess.
My resolution is to find a better balance amongst all the priorities I hold important.
My resolution is to reach the milestone of 200 followers today and reputation of 50.
not give up on posting
Do more exercise
To get some tan.