Steemit Ate My Post?

in #steemit-help8 years ago


I spent about an hour writing a post. I clicked Post, saw it go through, went to the New page and saw it listed there, along with the value associated with my own upvote. Then I went back to my Blog page and it was gone. I clicked back to the New page and it was also gone.

Does this happen often? Is there something I did wrong? How can I prevent this from happening again?


We are aware of this problem and have identified a couple of bugs that could have been causing it. We are working on getting fixes out as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience of losing your post.

Thank you. It was frustrating. I should have taken the normal precautions of copying it before hitting post, but of course the one time I didn't do that...! LOL! Thanks for letting me know that it's a known issue you're resolving.

@vaneberg thanks for responding.

It's a recent development. Happened to me as well. Lesson here is to type your post in Word or wordpress and copy over.

Absolutely. It's odd because I normally at least do a quick copy before I hit post on something I took this much time on, but this time I didn't. And of course...! LOL! Thanks for the commiseration.

Good idea, I guess that would go for comments too. At least lengthy ones.

I have had this happen to comments. It is frustrating for sure. I'll resteemit. Anyone else have this problem?

And now I am following you too.

Thanks, I appreciate it! And I followed back!

This seems like quite a problem. Hope the developers will be able to fix these kinds of bugs soon.

I generally write all my posts in a text editor because it's more relaxing on my eyes and this way I get distracted less by the fun world of Steemit.