Re-Posting News On Steemit: Why I Think It's A Good Idea And How To Improve It

in #steemit-ideas9 years ago

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There's been a lot of discussion about what kind of posts people should be adding to Steemit recently. It's true that original content will establish the reputation of Steemit quickly, but I also think re-posting news is valuable.
Here's the main reason I think people should continue to re-post news:

I discovered this site because of someone re-posting news about a Reddit user named FiletofFish1066.

If that person hadn't posted that little news article, I probably wouldn't even be here on Steemit. By the way, the news article about FiletofFish1066 I wrote for Interesting Engineering turned out to be the most viral article I've ever written for that website. It caused my boss to thank me and everyone on the writing team sent me a special thanks, telling me that my article went viral. So far, it has been viewed around 380,000 times and 21,000 people have shared the article. Here it is:

The one thing I would suggest, however with regard to people re-posting news: dig a little bit more, do more research to make your articles really stand out from the crowd. Not only will you be rewarded within Steemit, but your content will travel outside of Steemit, thereby bringing more people here. It will have a two-dimensional impact.

Another way Steemit can become known to the world and become a trusted source of news is if we create a place where journalists can actually TELL THE TRUTH. Journalists are held prisoner to their editors and lots of stories never make it into the mainstream media. Steemit has an incredible opportunity in this respect. If journalists start referencing this site as their source, and our articles are original and based in real facts and research, then, we could, in fact revolutionize the way news is reported.

I'm doing this to a certain degree with my job as a writer as I always try to give the reader in-depth facts and not treat them as a dumb sheep pile. I try to give information to help people think a bit more about a particular topic. But even I don't have total freedom as I'm not the editor nor the owner.

Steemit could spawn a new generation of journalism, one that is not based in censorship.

But, I would love to see people push themselves a bit and start writing, researching and coming up with news stories that people cannot get anywhere else. We saw what happened with the DAO coverage, that's exactly the result of people in here being expert on a topic that mainstream media knows little about.

I have one request: if anyone knows FiletofFish1066 from Reddit, please let me know. I have been requested by my boss to do an interview.

One more thing, as a marketing tip for everyone in here.

At the end of my articles on the Interesting Engineering website, I have a little blurb about me. I put the link to my Steemit blog in the phrase:
Leah Stephens goes by the pseudonym, Stellabelle. She is an artist who writes books and you can see what she’s up to here.... The word here links to my Steemit blog.

That way, people who like my articles on IE's website, can follow that link here to Steemit. It's a natural way for people to discover this site, and no spamming is involved. Spamming people is a really bad idea and could potentially get Steemit's content banned from social media sites. Facebook started banning posts from social media alternative, Tsu for that very reason. We don't want to go there. Use creativity when introducing Steemit for others and don't be pushy....being pushy never works!


To the extent that linking to news stories inspires thoughtful commentary or even debate on the news from fellow "steemers" (is that the right word for us?), I'm all for it. When news stories are posted, it's probably more important to effectively curate comments than the story itself. Let's keep comments meaningful and respectful via proper curation.

News is very important for steemit, it will help in getting a wider audience. Right now we are a little focused on crypto news, because that's where steemit originated. Eventually crypto news will give way to other news and content.

smileI agree with the great points you made in this article, @stellabelle!

This is a great point:

... a place where journalists can actually TELL THE TRUTH. Journalists are held prisoner to their editors and lots of stories never make it into the mainstream media. Steemit has an incredible opportunity in this respect.

I had not thought of this before, but it is true that a journalist could come here and publish news they have researched and feel strongly about, as an independent agent who wont get shut down or censored by higher-ups.

The one thing I would suggest, however with regard to people re-posting news: dig a little bit more, do more research to make your articles really stand out from the crowd.

I totally agree on this point! I would expand this thought by saying that I think it is good to see the source of statements made in reposted news or opinion articles, so we can evaluate their validity. I made a this comment on a repost of an opinion piece elsewhere on this site:

When posting something like this, here, perhaps you could add value by adding links to the sources of some of the statements made in the article.... I personally like to verify statements made in articles, as I evaluate the viewpoints being offered in a piece. Perhaps others feel the same.

Thanks for another great contribution to the Steemit community, @stellabelle !!

Thanks! Btw, you're looking good in my clay Steem dollar contest!!

I would be very happy to win the unique and historic first-ever clay Steem Dollar!

But I would be even more happy if someone else gets it by writing something awesome which will enhance the value of this awesome Steemit community! So to anyone reading this, click @stellabelle's link above and check out the contest!

but you are the most ENTHUSIASTIC. That counts for a lot.

Good stuff. 1 up-vote. Keep posting.

Any news is good, obviously we do not want to flood steemit of news without value, for it are we and our votes that we give him value to the news. Not all the news is going to be of our taste but it is possible that they are interesting for others. If your you had not seen an ancient news you would not be here and we might not enjoy your articles, there this proof that the ancient or repeated news is not so bad.


Thanks for the post, it does help newbies like myself that kinda got here by default :O) not having any idea really where it can take me.
Useful tips thanx