Hello all,
Now, i want to sharing to you about art from indonesia. We called it " WPAP ".
What is WPAP???
WPAP is " Wheda's Pop Art Potrait " a native Indonesian pop art genre founded by Wedha Abdul Rasyid, a contemporary Indonesian artist. One characteristic of this type of pop art is the use of colors which is unusual, and commonly has a strictly vertical / horizontal and diagonal of lines or shapes. The concept of photo tracing in WPAP is a “dignified” tracing, where pop art images referring to a photograph, but through a process of improvisation and a certain impression that the work produced has a unique artirtic value.
Link FB of Mr Wedha = https://www.facebook.com/wedha.rasyid
picture of Mr Wedha Abdul Rasyid
examples of wpap :
Source : opparudy.deviantart.com
source : aece7.deviantart.com
source : Dhestwu Vinscyhttp://prntscr.com/bq91k9
Source articel
and much more work wpap made by Indonesia people and outside Indonesia people ..
See you in next post.
nice bro
Thankyou bro.
Good omm....
Tanda panah yg mana ya omm.. saya pakai androo..gak kliatan??
Udh bisa?
Done gan