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RE: Steemit Iron Chef 2018 Act 02 #01: Pine Pollen Pasta with Puffball Caviar and Fermented Redbud Flowers

in #steemit-ironchef7 years ago

Guau this contest is wonderful, well I tell you what I would do, it hurts that I could not have the resource to hand but how would use these wonderful ingredients,
dried corn kernels, canned sardines, and peppermint candycanes
Well with the dried corn kernels, I would cook the dried corn, and after it was cooked, the mill would take it to obtain a paste called maize or nixtamised corn as we know here.
With this dough or pasta of dry corn, cooked it would proceed to add peppermint candycanes diluted in water to permeate this corn nixtamizado,
then with this corn nixtamisado I would add an orange dye to make the most colorful dough, then make some small circular tortillas and in the center of them I would add the canned sardines, and close the circle or omelet in half making a seal the sides to leave inside the filling of canned sardines, obtaining a form of cupcakes as we say here, ahhhh you have to add a little salt to dry corn nixtamizado, and these cupcakes fry them in oil for about 5 minutes and ready we would have some delicious little cakes filled with canned sardines.
This is all, this is not my participation since I would have to do it and show the images of how it would be and unfortunately I do not have them at hand, but I leave you with the idea that there would be spectacular menthol cakes filled with canned sardines.
By the way that more beautiful fungus someday I hope enjoy it, and I guess the Pine Pollen, should give your pasta a spectacular taste.
a hug and happy foraging