Steemit Iron Chef 2018 - Act 1 Round 5 - Cashew Nut Stir Fry Served on Lettuce - Leelektrik

Ingredients: Chicken breast (pre cooked, calamata olives, red pepper, fetta cheese and walnut - cilantro or coriander (as we call it) for decoration

After having seen @offoodandart's recipe, it inspired me to do my own version of a lettuce wrap

Place ingredients into a frying pan and lightly stir fry in a little olive oil or Spray and Cook and save the coriander for decoration

This is proof that I made this wonderful copy of @offoodandart's idea - and now that I'm looking at my pics shhh a little bit of a copy of @pandamama's lettuce boats last week - but don't tell her - maybe she won't notice !!

A really simple and delicious meal - nutritious and healthy - and really delicious served cold the next day



Thanks so much @leelektrik for doing a 'myturn' on my lettuce wraps! You did it quickly too and your version sounds delicious with all the health benefits.

It's definitely a 'myturn' of @pandamama's lettuce boats as well. There's no chance she will not notice this =D. Nice try!

Thanks again!

You're making me hungry again @leelektrik

What did you just eat?

Haha Lee - as if I wouldn't notice - but I'm flattered if you take ideas from me. Yours is much better than mine

Glad you noticed ;)

You really are quite funny sometimes :)

I love the last photo. Really nice presentation of the lettuce wrap. To me this recipe reads like a well balanced salad. You have richness from the nuts, a crunchy element in the pepper, sharpness from the cheese, a fresh accent with the cilantro and brininess from the olives. The olive oil and lemon juice create the vinaigrette. I really like the cold "next day" version of this dish!

Thanks @chefsteve - I like your comments very much - they make it all worth while. Looking forward to your competition as well

And I look forward to your entries in @cookwithus! See you soon!

Looks good @leelektrik - definitely keen to try this at some stage

We'll definitely make in when I'm in Cyprus - really delicious

The myturn idea is really great! I just hope I get the time to have a turn too soon!
I can imagine how amazing this dish must have been...nice presentation too my friend!

Thank you @progressivechef for your positive compliments

Love this recipe @leelektrik - so many variations one can think of