
I've been seeing him around a few other contests, by their very nature share similar information. Don't make the mistake I did and give him a tiny 1% downvote or this kitties master comes and pumps it up!

This is not good, as he has to check/read the post first then write down the comments! But anyway, I just don't worry about him and I just keep doing my work as usual! It is better this way!

That's the way!

By the way, my wife did a step-by-step of our entry, which I will be translating and converting tonight into our official entry post. If you are eager to see it though I will leave it here

It looks really very yummy my friend! Very well made!

This is very important, as it will help me find the post. Just one thing, please write the tag well i noticed she wrote #ironchef but the real tag is #steemit-ironchef

Yes sir! I just posted our official entry here, we like to keep our spanish posts on @ecoinstante and our english posts on @ecoinstant

Hey mate, please don't call me sir. This is perfect having the post in 2 languages, great idea mate!

Sorry friend! I will try to be 'progressive' ;p
All tongue in cheek aside, no offense was meant!