Greetings beautiful people of the Steemit world!
Friday is here and it's time to launch a new round of your most favorite cooking contest of Steemit - The one and only Steemit Iron Chef!!!
Yes my lovely friends, same as each Friday, I am here today to reveal the theme of this new round!!! We are already on the 10th round of Act 1 which will consist of 15 rounds in total!
10 is a nice number...and it calls for the second surprise round of the first act!!!
After the normal veg/fruit theme the last three weeks, this 10th round will be a surprising one which I am sure you will all have fun making it!!!
Before discovering that surprise theme, let me first of all thank all the 22 entrants for the 9th round whose theme was peas and at first sight all of them looks really very well done!
If more entries come up before I complete my judging, for sure I will take them into consideration!
Make a monochrome dish!!!
This gonna be super exciting! What I am expecting from this round is that the contestants come up with a plate/dish made of ingredients having the same can be of different tone but same color!
Let me share some plates I made for you to have an idea! Hope these will help!
50 Shades of Orange!
Babonne fish cooked in beet and red wine , beet variations!
Fish monochrome, brocoli, zuchinni, gombos, bok choy and green peas!
You guessed it can use any ingredients you wish to make your entry for this 10th round!!! Have fun and come up with a monochromatic dish...
The rules are quite the same though...check it out!!!
Please make sure to respect all rules to have your entry validated!
- Create a post and title your entry 'Steemit Iron Chef 2018 Act 01 Round 10 : Name of your dish'
- Make either a starter or main course or dessert based on the theme of the week.
- Two entries per person are allowed.
- Make sure to use #steemit-ironchef tag in any order you wish, so that I don't miss your entry!
- Only new recipes will be accepted, so I need at least one photo with your name and date on it.
- I don't need to see your step by step preparations/recipes, just make the list of the products used, describe your dish and add some photos to get my attention! Make it sweet and simple!!!
- Post a link of your entry here on this post (Very Important to do, so that I don't miss your entry) and also share your entry on our discord channel - to get some more support from the awesome foodies there!
- Any participant not following these simple rules will be considered a non validated entry.
Be the most creative , inventive and refined possible, you'll win a lot of points...
The DEADLINE to submit your entries will be Friday 23rd March 2018 once round 11 is announced!
By participating in Steemit Iron Chef, you give me the right to use your posts/food photos for public announcement!
Different prizes consisting of SBD, Voiceshares, Skillcoins and Trophy Tokens will be shared to the winners same as each week!
Check out the below table to see who wins what and how much!!!
Should you need any more information, just let me know in the comments sections below!
The SBD made on my posts are used for sponsoring the Steemit Iron Chef 2018 contest! This is the only way I manage to gather the necessary 31 SBDs that are shared to the top 7 each week!
Anyone who wish to grow the prizes or be a sponsor of this amazing contest, please do let me know!
Thanks to you awesome steemians, this contest is such a great success!Usual big thanks to @canadian-coconut, @donkeypong , @trophytokens , @voiceshares, @sjennon and @bambam808 for the amazing support to Steemit Iron Chef!
And usual thanks to all the contestants as well...without you...this contest would not even exist!!!
If you need any more info just ask me here or on the discord channel of Steemit Iron Chef!!!
Thank you!
Good luck to all the other great entries! ☀️I finally made it! This is my this weeks entry:
The Super Green Super Salad
My post!!
I hope you have a beautiful weekend
Wow! This is sooo quick! Green is so beautiful!
Wish you a lovely weekend too!
my entrance
I love this challenge!!!!
I'm so glad that you liked the challenge and already sent your first entry!!
Oh, that's really neat!
Looking forward to discovering your monochromatic entry which will be amazing I'm sure my friend.
this will be fun ! looking forward to coming up with my dish !
Oh yes I'm sure we gonna see so many beautiful monochrome dishes from you all!
I bet there will be a lot of interesting plates! Wonderful idea!
Hmmm wondering what color you will work on!!! Red? Blue? White? Purple?? Pink?
Amazing round indeed!
🤔 I think, it will be the healthiest color in foods ... and it's one of my favorites too! Easy to guess! 😉
What an interesting development, lol! I'm glad I'm home now, so I can find plenty of good ingredients. :D
Here is my entry for the week!
Here is my first entry to this week
My second entry to this weeks contest
Every week for my is a pleasure partipate in this contest! ♥
Despite my food poisoning over the weekend this was a super exciting week- monochrome! Here's my entry @progressivechef, hope you like pink!
This is my entry for this contest
This is my second entry for this
Here is my entry. As they say, in theory, better late than never ( :

Spaghetti Vegetaria à la Monochromatica
Here's my entry: Wild and Sweet White Desserts