Turned out very well. One of these days I'll use a real camera to take proper photos. Today is not that day.
- organic unbleached flour (about a cup)
- baking powder
- cup of orange juice
- one of those mandarin oranges they sell virtually everywhere during Christmas
- 5 eggs
- cane sugar (2/3 cup)
- half a cup of yogurt
Steps to achieve cake
Separate the eggs
Egg yolks and sugar get beaten together (do not eat mixture, needed for cake)
Add orange juice, Christmas orange, and yogurt to mixture
Add flour and baking powder
Whip the egg whites, fold in
Pour into the Christmasiest container you can find
Bake at default setting for an hour
Acquisition of cake in pictures
Egg yolks and sugar in bowl pre-mixing.
Egg whites in bowl pre-mixing.
Beaten egg yolk and sugar mixture with orange added in.
Dough with the flour mixed in.
Whipped egg whites being folded in.
Done and in Christmasiest baking container.
Side view so you feel the holiday spirit.
Freshly popped out.
The proof scrap is covering the bite mark.
Looks lovely, and sounds like a beautiful treat of a cake !
Wow, this looks beautiful! And the slice shows off the nice texture too. I bet it's delicious!
Looks very seasonal and fluffy, would love a slice of that!
I always associate oranges for Christmas. Where I live there are lots of holiday sweets for sale that have oranges in them. Great looking cake. I like your pan.
Hahaha! That proof scrap covering the bite mark!Lol!
Waiting for that day where you will use a real camera for your photo!
your phtography very excellent
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