
To be honest, it does feel like you are trying to piggy-back on to something.

Also, spam reports don't have much to do with investigative work, so a detective in the banner doesn't even make much sense.

Of course, you are free to use that stock image like everyone else is, just trying to clarify that I'd like to disassociate myself from your work and I'd prefer if our posts were not as easily confused by their similarities in thumbnails.

I told you i am sorry..I changed all of them. and im not really piggy backing on anything..

Hey, it's all good, you didn't have to change all the backdating posts.

But I certainly appreciate you did so none the less!

I was not offended, nor did I want to tell you off, I was only sharing my concerns about possible mix-ups! Thanks for understanding!


check my page...their all changed

That image is great, and it is right on topic, making your posts super easy to be recognized... I think we are ending up with a classic win-win here ;)