I don't have a "job" here, I do what I feel is necessary.
Now after I didn't immediately jump to the conclusions you wanted me to make back then, you started accusing me of, well... I don't even really understand of what, of not being of your opinion?
Hmm using a tag - steemit-police .....................i do not acuse you , but SEEMS you investigate only things you want .
Yes, quite indeed that is how it works.
But I do look at the leads people give me. Back then, you and @jphenderson were flagged by @transisto and @newsflash. I did look into this and responded to you with:
What I was trying to tell you, is that I am not here to stop anyone from using their stake as they see fit.
Neither would I accuse you and @jphenderson for reciprocal upvoting, nor will I accuse @transisto for using his stake to remove those rewards that he does not like to see.
I asked you for an elaboration of the kind of "trolling and harassment" you mentioned, but instead you started accusing me to be on "their" side.
So please, if you see anything specific you want me to look into, I gladly will. But if you just want someone to look at an accounts dirty laundry in order to find something, you have to do that yourself.