A small ease of life addition would be the ability to organize all of your old posts into various "shelves" and category's on your profile.
There are a couple poems of mine that I am legitimately proud of and would want to put in a "Worthy"/"Not shit" shelf, or some-such thing.
But as they are, they shall be eventually be deeply buried unless some dedicated reader decides to go on an endless scroll journey.
Something I imagine is far worse for those who've been active for a long period of time, as well as those who curate and resteem a lot of content.
Another one would be the option to search for posts on steemit to the tune of "Last 14 days", "Last 30 days" "last 6 months" ect...
Another great idea would be the ability to filter out peoples posts on your feed, or to be able to create your own feed with specific people you follow instead of that all in one feed that gradually becomes useless beyond a certain point.
The ability to remove "resteemed" posts from appearing in your feed.
100% behind this initiative! I may not have the SBD to support it, but I'll be voting/upvoting for the small bit I'm worth!