So some of you may already know this via the couple discord servers I'm on. But for those who don't, last week I broke up with my boyfriend.
We'd been together for nearly 2.5 years, and met in the cutest way possible (both taking a korean class because we're both half-korean). We had a lot of great memories, but behind many of those great memories are not so great ones. We fought nearly every month over pretty much the same issues, and despite the solutions and compromises we came up with, we'd come back the next month with the same grievances.
It became a cycle I couldn't bear anymore. I had to take stock. Were these bad days worth enduring for the sake of the good ones? Every relationship has good days, even the worst ones. And I'm not saying mine was the worst, but it wasn't great, and with the possibility of this continuing for a lifetime...I had to make a decision.
Our last fight was Tuesday evening. The saddest part to me was that he had walked out with our dog to pick me up after that same Korean class we first met at. I knew he had done it because I told him I liked that he did it last week. And then, not even an hour after returning home, everything fall apart on schedule.
He needed time to think about what to do. I spent Wednesday going over the entire situation. When I came home, I made the decision for us. He agreed that he felt the same way. And that was that.
Since we still live together, the pain has been even harder for me than my first break up, which was via Skype. I moved entirely into one of the bedrooms, but my brain keeps thinking nothing has changed, even though everything has changed. I've cried nearly every night for various reasons. I didn't think it'd be easy, but I guess I wasn't expecting it to be this hard either.
Drawing this comic helped, even though I was crying the entire time haha. It was another way for me to express and process how I felt and the situation overall. Since he was a prominent character in my comic, I thought it would be a good way to address his pending absence as well.
As the comic suggests, it's possible we may try to reconnect. We discussed this, and the door has been left open. But what we both need right now is time away and energy on ourselves, so that's something I'm trying not to hold my breath for. What happens will happen, lol.
I know I've been posting my older comics on here, but to avoid confusion and to keep my sanity, I think I'll just stick to only the recent stuff. All of "This Is My Life Now" can be read on either webtoons or tapastic so you can head over there to read the rest.
Thanks for reading this looooong post. Feel free to leave any advice or encouragement in the comments below. I hope everyone has a great Monday!
These situations are always hard, but it sounds like you're taking it very rational and mature. Sometimes tough decisions need to be taken in order to move on and both of you have a happier life.
It's good to know that drawing the cartoon helped you express your feelings, and even though it's super sad (especially the last two frames) I'm really glad you had the time to share how you feel.
And you might feel like you're alone, but remember that you still have friends (online and offline) and we're here to help anytime :)
It's getting a little long but I wish you both the best and a bright whatever future brings
thanks for the supportive words, (as well as the support on discord lol) I'm trying to depend on my friends more and remember that this is life and I only have 1, so I have to make the most of it. :)
yes, don't live in regrets, enjoy as much as you can :D! I'm always at discord if you want to chat
Oh wow...
I'm really sorry to hear this. Hope you're taking this well.
It's ok. I'm doing my best, and I know it'll get easier.
Kudos to you for opening up to the steem community about this. Your sketches are nothing short of delightful. But it's very healthy and mature to know that painful circumstances often lead to better situations. Good luck, stay optimistic. Plenty of people out there <3
Thank you. Tbh I was very anxious writing this, but the support you guys have been giving me is amazing and unreal. I like to think I'm a glass half-full kinda person, so I'll do my best to see things positively :)
you have us here...we are all your 'bfs and gfs'
hahaha thank you :D In that case I have so many bfs and gfs ;)
I am not going to tell you that it is okay to breakup or you should give it another go...I am telling you to keep drawing. It will be your emotional outlet. Yeah two good people may have to part ways because not all good people are meant to be together. If it ever help, maybe taking the dog for a longer walk will help you heal the wound faster. you can do a vlog along the way, just like what you did in the past.
thank you for the suggestions. I will definitely keep drawing, as like you said it helps me express (and distract) myself. I definitely want to take my dog out for as many long walks as I can, especially since I don't know how much longer I'll be able to see him for. Will try to pick up vlogging again as well!
I'm sad to hear that. Keep doing what you like, do things you enjoy and try not to think about it. Take care and keep creating! :)
thank you for the kind words!
Hey! I hope you are doing better!!! Looking forward to reading some new comics from you!
thank you so much! the past couple of days i've finally started to feel more productive and like myself, and hopefully i can draw some more comics soon! thank you for the patience