When i see your haiku, i just start to think all my comment with haiku comment :D But as this is a pressure in brain to think too much, so i released my mind to making haiku always and try to reserve my brain for right time.
When i see your haiku, i just start to think all my comment with haiku comment :D But as this is a pressure in brain to think too much, so i released my mind to making haiku always and try to reserve my brain for right time.
lol @aaarif but it is true, making Haiku needs time to get into that poet mood, but @rlt47, can easily do it as he is the expert. We better leave him to do the Haikus right :D
Hahahaha... Very funny! The reason I do Haiku's is because I'm not a poet, it's pretty simple really. I want everybody in the world to write Haikus...
@aaarif - Nike says it best,
IT farm where i work once a tech-talk took placed. There we are asking to describe our thinking about new technology. One of my colleague said He want to create a remote that control human being , Hahaha. So if that remote control create then i can change my mood to poet anytime :D