Scientists found that the earth's water actually comes from outer space, precisely the result of earth collisions with a large asteroid. After a process of hundreds of millions of years, the sea, the river, and all the life that follows it

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The study, which appears in the journal Science, is based on the findings of the Hubble Space Telescope of the American Space Agency (NASA). The space telescope detects the light emitted by a GD 61 dying star that is 150 light years away from Earth. The dying star ate an ice asteroid.@wowfakta - English & Indonesian Language

Astronomers detect an abundance of "rock" elements, such as magnesium, silicon, and iron, on the asteroid. They also detect the presence of oxygen in large quantities, which indicates the presence of water up to 26 percent. The researchers claim only large water-rich asteroids, or minor planets, can explain the observations.

Boris Gänsicke of the Department of Physics at the University of Warwick, a team member, said it was the first time scientists have discovered rocks that also contain water outside our solar system. "Both materials-rocky surfaces and water-are key in the hunt for habitable planets outside our solar system, so it's exciting to find them together outside our solar system," he said.
Penelitian itu, yang muncul dalam jurnal Science, dilandasi temuan teleskop Hubble milik Badan Antariksa America (NASA). Teleskop antariksa tersebut mendeteksi cahaya yang dipancarkan oleh bintang sekarat GD 61 yang berjarak sejauh 150 tahun cahaya dari bumi. Bintang sekarat itu memakan sebuah asteroid es.

Astronom mendeteksi berlimpahnya unsur-unsur "batuan", seperti magnesium, silikon, dan besi, pada asteroid tersebut. Mereka juga mendeteksi adanya oksigen dalam jumlah besar, yang mengindikasikan adanya air hingga 26 persen. Para peneliti mengklaim hanya asteroid besar kaya air, atau planet minor, yang dapat menjelaskan pengamatan itu.

Boris Gänsicke dari Department of Physics di University of Warwick, anggota tim, mengatakan itu adalah pertama kalinya para ilmuwan menemukan batu yang juga berisi air di luar tata surya kita. "Kedua bahan-permukaan berbatu dan air-adalah kunci dalam perburuan planet layak huni di luar tata surya kita, sehingga sangat menarik menemukan mereka bersama di luar tata surya kita," ujarnya.


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