What a great response, I don't know where to start! You have certainly laid out a plan of action and I'm liking what I see!
I'm glad to hear about the support for the poorer communities, taking about this on dtube would be great for you and them I suspect.
Valid points about @haejin follower accounts, however 90% of these followers are from twitter and other 'sources' and so I think he's not the ideal test case.
For me, you actually only need 4/5 large followers for it to work financially, one of these could indeed be dtube.
And honestly, having 7500 follows can be very time consuming if wish (as I do) to try and respond to every worthwhile comment - I barely get out of my replie some days. Not that I'm complaining, the support is great!
Yes Steemit greatly needs marketing! And it's up to us, a social network should be marketed by its members I think. And I'm happy they haven't advertised - get your friends / family / real life communities here quick for that guaranteed support! 😁
Thanks Beth, awesome comments!