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RE: Always content and the 'chew and spit'

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Great piece, as is the norm on this blog.

The long (perhaps forever) lasting discussion I think will be that one mans chew and spit, will be another's gold.

I expect that most of my work to others falls in the above category, but for me personally, and as much as I don't find organising photos and writing about places I've been to, in future I will be able to look back and think, I'm glad I blockchained that one.

Another example would be @curie, who have a fairly clear definition of what is 'good' content to them to aid their curators in seeking it out.

A quick note about the 7 day payment limit. I heard at Steemfest, a dev (@sneak i think) say that there needs to be a window because a post, its votes, etc, stay in memory for these 7 days before being committed. I think part of the recent speed improvements have been down to allocation a bunch more memory to this area.

Always a pleasure,



Yes, this is true but for example, is it possible for an alternate site to copy the content, repost it and still credit the wallet of the Steemit author? I don't see why this wouldn't be and on a future alternate site, the window my be longer or keeps getting reset somehow. ..if that makes sense :)

I understand i think, and again (as last week) I would expect some serious brain work to take place to make this happen.

(also, why go to other sites to regurgitate content when it seems to work well for some here!)