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RE: Thinking Like a Whale

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I find myself in agreement with your view, quality content and user-engagement are both important aspects. To make a sustainable platform you cannot have only one or the other. To use your same analogy, everyone now appear to be ruffled because we are still in beta and there are issues in the reward distribution system. In my view reward distribution has to take into account also user engagement. If we use only votes as a criteria to establish the worth of post then we are going to factor in many things that will distort our estimate. Votes and their weight are not directly related to the quality of a post or to user engagement. Votes mainly equate to how many emotional connections an author managed to establish with other popular authors on steemit or to how much bots love him/her. Instead, pricing in comments and views of a post will definitely give a more accurate estimate. For example as a proof that a user really read the post they could ask them to solve a captcha puzzle at the end of the post in order to factor in his visit in the reward of the post. Having some kind of proof of engagement would be great and would make the system a little more balanced.