Thank you very much for your comment. I'm happy it could help you a bit. I took a peak at your website which is very interesting. You can do a lot to improve your google ranking on your website itself. Just one thing that might help you a lot would be that you make sure that on every page you have the main title surrounded by h1 tags.Hi @felander,
<h1>Title of page</h1>
To rank well in google it is always respective to keywords that people use in their search. So it is very important to have the keywords that define a subject in the url, the h1 tag and also in the h2 and h3 tags. Then it would also be good to have these keywords throughout the text.
Let me make an example with the page
- The url is great since it cointains already the keywords hard-wallets
- The title of the page looks to be "THE BIGGEST WALLETS ON ONE PAGE" - in terms of design it looks great but it should be surrounded by h1 tags. So the robot knows that this is the main title of this page. At the moment on this page the h1 tags go around "Not your password, not your crypto".
- Additional subtitles with h2 tags should also contain the keywords "hard wallet"
- Then you can use these keywords to describe pictures as well.
These so called onsite measures will help you to increase your organic traffic very much. It may be time consuming but you just have to do it once and then you have results for a long time. The external linking will then increase the effect additionally.
Sorry this comment became a bit too long. Hope you don't mind ;-)
thanks a lot , I really do not mind long comments, especially if they are this helpful. I have been tweaking my SEO now slowly but it takes some time to set everything up indeed. Good tip about the titles, will put that in as well
Its my first website and kind of an experiment, hopefully it will bring some extra income in the future when its done
Amazing explanation achim