It's also probably one of the least trollish (and certainly more humorous) things I've seen on twitter or anywhere on social media.
I actually agree on this. Compared to youtube/4chan comments and trolls that was nothing. Also she did never specifically ask him to stop. Not saying that Shkreli's actions weren't as ridiclous/creepy/cringy as they were, but the action towards his account was even more ridiculous.
I actually sympathized a bit with the guy after how the media handled the entire situation, I can imagine there must be other factors involved than just him being a douche that wanted to raise the price of a drug for own profits.
by comparison, you may be interested in watching the interview Tucker Carlson did with Martin Shkreli:
and yes, compared to the vitriol we got on our youtube videos from 12 year olds to adults alike (some so bad I don't even feel comfortable repeating them here, so just imagine some of the worst things you can come up with), this was nothing by comparison.