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RE: Today I got to meet local San Diego Steemit User @tytran who sent me my Steemit Tshirt & Coffee Mug, & now he's brought me a Bitcoin T shirt & Ethereum GPU mining equipment! He also bought $4000 in stempower! We need more investors like him!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

wait wait wait, hold on, which wallet id u have ur coins in DURING the hardfork august 1st? (U will be fine no matter what, even if u had ur coins in exchange, exchanges like poloniex are giving out the bitcoin cash, and not keeping it, because look the bitcoin cash is gonna be there! i consider it theft if an exchange keeps it and thats why bittrx and poloniex gave out the bitcoin cash!
, first of all u should be fine, u get your .6 BTC (around $400 or so with $800 Bitcoin cash, heh, wanna break me off if i help u access it?)
u need to get electron cash allet, load private keys frm WHICHER ONE u had your bitcoins in DURING the hard fork on august 1st
so if iu had ur BTC in ur Exodus, use those private keys (also who knwos exodus might just decide to enable bitcoiun cash! hahaha XD like poloniex and bittrex did! haha)

so ur bitcoin was in ur wallet righrt? use THOSE private keys then, go open the keys in electron cash

heres how it works

u just load up ur wallet like ur loading up a backup, but u load it in the new bitcoin cash wallet! It will give u bitcoin cash, instead of bitcoin but theres two now, so u get both!

got it? I just started underdtanding it myself, but HONESTLY bro HOPNESTLY

Its a GOOD THING youve been waiting this long! trhe longer u wait the higher bitcoin cash goes! everyone who waiuted just WON so hard

just text me bro ill help u figure it out AND ill help convince you to just leave ur bitcoin cash alone cuz longe ru wait the higher the price goes!!!


i had it in my blockchain wallet. YO thanks for the help ill shoot you some bitcoin cash no problem. im gonna go google "electron cash wallet" and download it...

yes here is the guide

not many wallets actually support directly importing your private key(s) — and less so for BCH. One wallet that does allow for this option in Bitcoin is Electrum. Therefore, the BCH version of Electrum, dubbed “Electron Cash,” should allow you to do this, too.

However, Electrum itself has issued an official warning concerning Electron Cash. Electron Cash is not properly vetted and therefore not guaranteed to work as advertised. This is a big risk, and we recommend against using it for now. (This may change in the future.)

Update, August 8: We have not yet received or seen any reports of problems.

That said, if you do choose to opt for this solution (at your own risk!), make sure to at least take two additional precautions. First, run the software on a different computer as the computer you run Electrum on, if you run Electrum. (In fact, it’s probably best to use it on a different computer than the one where you hold any bitcoins or any other sensitive data, for that matter.)

Additionally, first move the BTC from your paper wallet to a new Bitcoin address (like a new paper wallet) before you do anything with BCH! That way, even if the Electron Cash wallet manages to steal your private keys, or the computer you use is insecure, the damage should be limited: these Bitcoin private keys won’t hold any BTC anymore. (Make sure not to send BTC to this same paper wallet later on either, though.)

Just yeah i will try to help u through this, bcause I am just waitingf or jaxx to implement Bitcoin cash, but in your case, ok what wallet did you have the BTC in during august 1st?

Anyway we will figure thios out and the LONGER you wait bro, the higher bitcoin cash goes up! so hjonestly the loinger you take the better!

AND someone might even make it even easier in teh futur BUt for now, im pretty sure u can just import your btc private keys to electron cash (which is made by electrum for bitcoin cash