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RE: Steemit Operation Upgrade Africa ...After helping an African Steemit User in Ghana @tj4real make $1600 off a single post, I want to help more Africans get online! Devices like BRCK an GoTenna can provide cheap "Backup WIFI" for all of africa!

in #steemit8 years ago

its a sad post but also shows how much good we cando! All he wants is a simple Park for childrento play, and for the Teenagers to have real hope so they dont just go have proiscious sex and get pregnant, furthering the poverty loop, just a few months supply of birth conrol pills can reallly help but what helps more is sex education which the kids can only effectvly be taught online through tablets smartphones on Youtube which is where the children pay attention!
Review of the FREE SATELITE internet system called OUTERNET we can order the satelite AND the small chip for a few hundred bucks, and then get a wifi router and solar panel and battery and have these things attached to every street light in africa, or on every power line, u could have these things allowing steemit users in small villages in africa to make SO MUCH MONEy making a post showing how they build thei own free WIFI for their village, imagine the phootos of @tj4real and @mcsamm and @xpency an @ortigas100 taking photos of these OuterNet chips they recieve n the mail, along with solar powered battery bricks, and we can get stuff already assembled for them to make it easy like a BRCK system or that #shrikiHub mobile wifi and phone charging kiosk with solar panels and imagine the VIDEO of TJ and Xpency showing off that tech, like the steemit post can be "Steemit just helped a WHole poor african village get its first Free Wifi and free Internet Cafe ! Now all residents can use steemit for free everyday!" and steemit would explode inpoularity peopel would wanna be apart of this JUST to help give wifi to africns! we can just start helping tese guys raise their OWN money to buy THEIR OWN wifi devices and BOOm u will make a self funding money feedback loop where we just post ABOUT getting these devices, Money comes in, we buy the devices, then show off the devices and us working on them, post about that, make MORE money to get ven more, and make a vieo and steemit post showing us turning on wifi in village for first time and show african people getting to use a Smartphone or Tablet with Free Wifi for first time, the local Library in the small town of the steemit user @appiahgyan neds to help build as he states in his post All we need to send his village is a a small amount of funding, along with some tablet computers to create a digital library/school/office using the #kiokit from #BRCK company, and we can honestly make such an amazing life changing succes story for steemit

imagine the story showing howw steemit helped change the lives of a whole african village by providing a Park, Tablets and Wifi for the School, a Library with free tablts and or cheap coomputers to use and FREE wifi, and this will make hima LEADER in his village, and he can ask everyone and all the young people to come once a week to either Church or just a community eeting where he can educate the young people on Sex and how using birth control can help the economy by not having children at anearly age they can stop the cycle of poverty, and let them know how mportant their actiosn and decisions and choices are for the entire country, they neeed to be made to realize how important they really are!

And we will show them using the internet! we will show them how strangers across the planet are willing to believe in them and fund their dreams of improving their African homelands.....and this can be done! Africa can becomee fully developeed in the next 10 years with no more Hunger no more extree poverty, we will still have poor people yes but noone will go to bed hungry ever again, because they will have the option to work online to amke extra money to always have enough food and much mich more byt tgis is so mportant that we give emplyment to the 800 MILLIOn human beings in 2017 who still go to bed hungry every night! 800 million chronically undernourished humans...and this is also the number of extremepoor people...if u can fix their poverty first, the foo problem will fix itself! The lack of food for the worlds hungry 800 millionhumans is nothing to do with foood supply! thre is plenty of food in every nation on earth! Its the LAK OF MONEY and these people just dont have the money to buy the food and they become used to not getting enough nutrition, many subsidizing their hunger with a cheap drug addiction like in south america with cheap cocaine that can be cheaper than a meal

anywa we must stop this collective insanity of spending billions of man hours and billions of dollars working on building weapons when we still havent even worked on helping to FEED evrryone that we otherwise support! The worlds busineess people need to step up and realize they can get more pleasure and profit from sharing wealth thanby hoarding it

because he said his small village does not evenhave a Public Park for childrento play or a simple public library for people to study, and we can give them a net Cafe