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RE: Ackza's Instant Steem Account Creation Service is a Success! I have created 30+ Accounts in the last wee & Post rewards from Posts like this can help me afford to signup dozens of new users every day!

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks for yoru comment

I had a long comment so I split it up and here is the rest wherei address the idea that people confuse steem's cnesorship resistance with some right to post, when its a privalge to get to post on steem, and people think its OK to post unliited when it costs money to post it csts bandwitdh and its limited and the more steempower ypu have the more bandwitdh to create content you get! Just most of us neevr ht thse limits!

The triuth is steem blockchain is not owned by steemit inc, steemit inc is stil in beta and anyoen can get on steem if they pay and steemit has to pay too, its a liabiliy and newupdate hardfork20 will allow people to make a certain amount of commenst and posts without neding SPO, o it will really help the situation and people won't get unlimietd posts, you will have to pay if you want to pot more than like 10 posts or comenst a day and you don't ave any steempower... That's how I feel it SHOULD vbe, it may be much more they let new users post, right now its all based on bandwitdh nd in the future it will be too but they plan on letting people make posts and comments without having Steempower but I feel that you SHOULD have to have Steempower to make posts and comments because that's a PRIVILEGE not a RIGHT its a PRIVATE blockchain NOT public property! :D Why should it be FREE to just Post on this MAZING platform that can make you a Lot of money?? Why shouldn't we require you hold Steempower to make money with us> IU think we should make it so you NEED steempower to Post roe than once a day, and you should only get like 1 comment per post unless you actually save up a few SP, but honestly that may sound strict but we re going the opposite way, whre you will need LESS Sp to Post, but its OK, I jut have a viewpoint of someoen whose worked hard for their steempower over a year and I think its not fir to people who bought or earned their steempower to allow just ANYONE to post and saturate the blockchain with their new posts when we should give space to older users, OR nwew user swith high quality posts... I guess senirout can't be a factor BUIT it kind of is... People who have been on steem longer make more money S and have more power and contol and why not? We can't just let any group come ina d change everythinG!

I have a Lot of faith inour stake base system and its One of a kind! No one ha evr given it a chance before,... I agree with the idea of needing to own land in a nation before you can Vote or at LEAST own a BUSINESS or sSOME srt of Assets even a car or renting an apt like you should have to have some ort of asset in a country fr you to get to make decisions and vote because you should have to be required to want to be working for the interest of that nation....

When you have stake in something you actually care about it...

I think steem'ss delegated proof of stake system will be combined with Dash Governance in EOS and EOS will show us some RELLy cool Governance Models that MANy companies and nations will be using !