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RE: It has been proven that Steemit helps people to improve their creativity ! Why we must proud as Steemians !

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

steemit has been proven to change My life and alot of lives for the better

facebook? Instagram? Dunno if i can day those are healthy for people! But on steemit u have incentive to be nice and u WILl learn some money here no matter what! u will end up making SOME money from posts or comments if u actually use it everyday!

We should do a real study see how much teh average person makes on steemit and explain what teh chances are of you making more money or how much work the average person CAN put in to steemit to start maing lets say $100 a day is a good target, to get that I can do that everyday and so can anyone IF they work hard its difficult to 1. THINk of thje good stopry u wanna write and then actualy WRITING it well thats extra work, its juyst work its NOT hard work lets re iteratte that again wriutring is NOT hard work!

its NOT and yeah some probl;em solving can be difficult but even the hardest math problem is not gonna be work...i mean fiorst of all with ciompuyters math problems are autopmated ayway....and maybe solving economic or political problems or maybe engineering a rocket motor, yeah that might be hard or writiong CODE programming...even that is not actually physical labor that takes a toll on you (unless u let it) ur just pushing buttons and yeah it may seem difficulty if ur not good at relaxing ur way to solving a problem but like we all attack problems in un healthyw ays we could all be relaxing and letting things happen the way they hapen and just making calmer cooler decvisiona dn we could all be doing things alot more efficiently.....

i dunno IS it hard eork? I guess it COULD be hard work...ur brain DOES consumer 30 percent of the bodies energy from blood and food the caolories the joules ur body uses, brain tales up aoot of the power! but honestly IS it a lusckl;e?? no but what is thinking???

when you imagine somwething its just yoy conciousllyt rearranging electric signals? ur not moving neurons around are u? are neurons moving aroudn and connecting to other and disconnecting from others?!?!?!

i gotta go watch videos about the brain now oh how trippy isthat to understand hOW your bran thinkins on a physical level