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RE: Steemit Philippines Meetup Roundup - Here is What Happened! (Discussions, Presentations, Food, Prizes, and Fun!)

in #steemit8 years ago

Oh yes the effect of steemit on developing nations will be MUCH more visual and obvious than on developed nations. people in USA can get EBT food stamps ($200 a month fre food money!) and so American are fuckin fine haha they get welfare and get thousands a month in free money if they want, or they can get a job if they realy want, and people who cant get a job at least can get online for free, use their GOVERNMENT ISSUES FRE SMARTPHONE aka Obamaphone, yes they give smartphones for free with FREE service toi EEVRYONE in the United States, its crazy but true! And you can use fre wifi all over every US city many neighborhoods even have a free public wifi now for low income comunities which raly is cool, and so people in tHE US can be homeless, beg on teh street and make $100 a day not pay any taxes, live in a ent in a canyon and end up being fine, get free food from passerbyes or soup kictnhes of their $200 a month EBT, everyone in USa has it VERY easy NONE is hungry everyone even homneless are VERY well fed and have PLENTy of money to buy alcohol and heroine nd Meth ys we should focus on the dveelopingw orld hahaha

the developingw orld NEEDS steemit and dare I say, they DESERVE steemit more than spoiled americans?

I believe developingw orlds peopel have TOILED in the fields and worked manual labor jobs for so many years, being paid so low, that they , in my eyes, deserve a break, nothing says they actually deserve anythuing, noone owes them anything BUT in my eyes, bcause its SO EASY for us to help them get a leg up, then WE SHOULD give them some help, bevcause we have all this technology all these extra resources that we really dont need, and many of us could save our money and INVST and CREATE SMALL BUSINESS to make our "donation/invstment BACK to make it a sustainable use of our money, But we could invest money into solar panels for the developingw orld, perosnalluy fiond people in these ndeveloping natiosna nd puchase them a smartphone or a solar panel or pay for the rinternet or help them setup some free wfi for their school, and watch as they start msking money on Steemiut for example, and this will allow you to eventually make that money back, and allow people to help tjemelves!

anyway so many ways we can help peopl with steemit! Lets setup awareness of how cheap android smartphones are, we need more andorid smartphones in more developing natoions peoples hands! Smartphones with solar battery chargers are the ONE tool that can help THE MOST we should start collecting and shiopping them ovr OR just set up more Free computer labs with free wifi in more and moe patrrs of the developingw orld. people just ned somewhere to go and work on;line untill they can raise enough money to buy their own smartphone , which they can do working on steemit! we shoukld create steemit Job Core where we can show peopel what typ[es of posts they can make to automatiucally earn like my "What you missed on Reddit" Pics series etc