You should be cracking your brain everyday! Math will make you a better person man! Just do the math casually! I leanred a while ago that just like Spanish and Algebra and Calculus, the skills don't kick in until years later, at least for me
like I never got spanish while I was learning it for 6 years (by terrible teachers who taught a class of Local Kids who were all Mexican or white kids wh8o went to a Spanish language school, so it was just not fair thjat I was the oinly non native spanoish speaker in a freakin Spanish class
Pero AHORA puedo a hab;lar en espanol, y es muy facil y fue a Ecuador y Peru y yo puedo a viviendo con no problema, Yo Pode' a vivir y comprendar mas o menos todos de los palabreas de los personas que habla espanol
haha that spanish es muy roto but good enuf!
Anyway My spanish kicked in YEARS later after I learned it,m same with matth!
It takes your brain a while sometiems to get the math going naturally
DRUG DEALERS can do math in their headslike THAT and these are people who drop out of school at age i12!
So we should remind people that you CAN do math EASILy if you WANT
But I know you knew that !