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RE: New Personal Policy: Flagging all zero-value-add vote/follow begging comments.

in #steemit7 years ago

jesus is that really true? are thre realy bot armies?!?! Why havent they triggered a denial of service attack on steemit? Is steem blokchain really that poiwerful? if goes down we still have right? Or is that denial of service thing about shuting dowj teh actual steem blokchain? by making it too long adding 35 MB a day?
next hardfork should REALy look into making sure this cant happen!

Also we should find out which users are spamming and find a way top limit the amountof data they can upload, but thyll just earn steempower to get around it wow thi is a problem isnt it? uh oh! better not leyt anyoen find out or price of steem coulk hoping bitcoin can make up for steems lack of performace,...i fel liek steem is only underperforming right now bnecause of allll thnew users who are just powering don or cashing out constantly


Please stop spreading misinformation.

wanna tell me what is misinformation? i asked you if that denial of service attack lok1 brought up is ACTUALLy a real threat or not, sounds like it really is! but steem is suposed to get stronger as more users join, right? But honestly thre has to be vulnerabilities im just excited to learn about that! hey Im oin your side not lok1 's I dont agree with the ideathat early steemit users dont deserve the money they make, its all jelousy from lok1 its why hes making his new blockchain HE just wants power hah its all very simple! And the steemit wizards of course might come off as assholes to the new smart and up an coming users, but thats true for any boss of any company, and its all decentralized, people THINK there is some sort of power hierarchy and yeah there is, u cant deny it, but its open to anyone its free market and these popele like lok1 FORGET that ANYONE with FIAT money can get th steempower to make decisions on steem! theyre MAD because you guys MADE MONEY and theyre just forgetting that they can go make money OUTSIDE of steemit and then buy up steem! they act like the ONLY way to make a fortune is through investing in steem or "mining" it in teh early days...and i wont even go into that ill justs ay I understand that most people dont understand how steemit even works or how it startyed or how steem is even "mined" at all....and yeah it was easier to ammas steem in the early days, more opportunities just like ANY crypto currency is cheap in the neginning, ior easy to be mind, but i know its not that simple

i wish u wouldnt just dismiss my cmment as "misinformation" tho without explaining it kinda hurts and i would like to be friends with you since you seem to know a lot about how steem works and i want to learn more