WE DONT NEED Qr codes with stemit!!!!!! We just need a username!
All i need too send someone to letthem send me steem is my username @ackza and a simple link to steemit.com/@ackza is ALLL they need to find my profile and my blog see my wallet etc thats ALL they neeed!
A qr code would just take you to their profile an anyone can make one with a qrcode generator just google "qr code generator"
and for the URL link area just type in your steemit profile link, for example mine would be http://www.steemit.com/@ackza
And then hit "generate" and youll get your own QR code that takes someone to your steemit profile! I added some text and steemit logo
That is all they need to pay you in steem too! Anyone can use a poloniex or bittrex or blocktrades.us to send steem withot a steemit account
Feel free to use this template for your own scannable steemit Qr code link!
But do you get my point about how steemit os SO advanced that we dont need Qr coes we can just have easy to reember usernames we can useto even google search what w remembered! just google the work steemit and the name u thought you saw in case you cant write it down etc, you cant do that with bitcoin! Bitcoin doesnt have usernmes! ethereum has some sort of domain name service but noone kows about it and u have to buy into it and the names become expenive etc
steemit is SO much better its the EASIEST crypto currency to use PERIOD
ahha ii JUST saw that it was you @gigafart that posted this! I was just going along the trending page and saw this cool post!
hahah im sohappy ur making $100 posts now man! I knew u culd! ur steempower paid off so well
It's nice we get usernames in place of alphanumeric gibberish!