Hey when I searched for "Steemit Africa" to find an apropriate image to use for my post about my 3 solar powered battery charges coming in the mail for @ortigas100
i found a screenshot on google images where the post i helped get to over $1000 by @tj4real came up and its realy cool synchronicity! right now we are teh HEAD of steemit africa! its small enough to become the LEADERS of it now!!!!
See this screenshot???
and when u click that image it brings me to your steemit page! to just steemit.com/@lucahunter
and this is crazy because i was goiung top amke this new post about getting the solar charges to send to africa, they came in ythe mail now im doing a post about them, to pay for more and send more solar battery chargers to africa
Yes I posted that screenshot on a post I did on @xpency and @tj4real. I didn't know Google picked that up.. What are the solar chargers about?
solar charhers are just mny idea to help African Steemit users like @ortigas100 who go through places without any electricity and simply need a few extra hjours of charge to get online...they culd stay connected with people from around the world in the niddle of african countyr side...and all they need is a $9 solar charger?!?! To me Its such a simple fix! we should just flood africa with these devices so everyone buys one WITh their smartophone! we should make it so smartphones COME WITH these solar batery chargers!
Can we chat about this? I am on discord and steemit chat with the same user name "lucashunter". I will look forward to chatting with you soon. Thanks @ackza