u scared me when you were gone for like over a month i figured you guys packed up and left the country or something
good to see u here again!
yeah my iphone has garbage apple software that keeps it in a fucking startup loop and it wont even go into the recoivery mode because itunes is also a retarded piece of software with no fucking simple way to get an iphone fixed like this, which is insane when you think about how simple it is to actualy do the physical act of fixing a sfotware problem WITH fucking OTHER software, and the iphone has NO fucking excuse at thispouint for nothaving some backup system to allow someone to access the iphone software even if the phone is tuirned off, a SIMPLE way to actually access the fucking godamn mekmory of theiphone without needing to have it on teh same way you can take an SD card out of a fuicking rasberry pi and alter its software iuf you need to
the fact that my iphone can just brick itself without me doing anything, AFTER a fucking software update, its fucking disgusting. Thefact that they are so irresponsible that they FORCE you to update your iphone, which is NOT broken, and if its not broke dont fix it. and yet they bricked my iphone, if i had not backed things up i could have lost a fuck ton of money! Thank god i am aware of how unreliable apple products are. No android device of mine has ever ever EVER bricked!
I have never had or heard of an android device even getting caught ion a startup loop, linux is not fucking stupid and thats why but apple doesnt give a fuck about actual good software and so i get to be left holding the brick
i have this number u can reach me at for texts its a google voice number, it may have calling but no mic on this desktop and google voice app is basically blocked on android smartphones and tablets no idea why but it has never worked but ist always been this feature that makes you believe you could make a call with just google voice on an android device, but it never ever works, but it DOES work on a fucking laptop or desktop computer, because...well we are a retarded species that actually builds devices with things as selfish and greedy as planned obsolescence, or for example another example of this sort of shit is how Apple built the fucking iphone with a fucking FM radio built in, but refuses to turn it on because they dont want people getting free music from the radio so they have to buy music on itunes....and thats not even how things work but apple is so greedy thats how they think and the federal government had to BEG apple to turn on the FM radio to allow fucking Hurricane flood victims to fucking use their goddamn smartphones to receive information but NOOO that would be allowing customers to get FREE FUCKING DATA and not have top PAY for it.... and sure there might be some hidden agenda to i dunno, blast us with more radiation or haha io dunno, i am sure theres some hidden meanings behindthat whole FM radio thing with the iphone but baicaly they are admitting that if they WANTD tothey could basically give people free access to data, peope could get streaming data on their phones over FM radio signals.... and Apple tried to claim the new phones didnt have FM chips, ignoring the fact that most people still have the old phones and they would still help tremendously but wqe nopw have these wanna be tech nerds in charge of companie siek Apple who PREETND to know about tech but really just get all the best tech info from their subordinantes and then they fuckin act like they are above even the federal government lol its crazy man
ANYWAY haha wow i realy went off on that one subject !
here is a number u can use to reach emnow on my desktop and tablet so i can still be reached
619 500 3748 text me there if anyone needs me , goes for any steemit user who reads this, sorry if i have missed calls recently
was also sick and crazy how fast u can feel overwhelmed by even a first world lifestyle, just dont let your work stack up i guess, tghe more i go through the more sympathy i have for others, but the more money i make the more i realize why it is that the wealthy seem 'selfish" and i understand it more and more, andthere comes a point where you have to just statistically see who can use the money to make more money and who wastes it, but theres also some things we can just spend money on which still help create a better human experience on this planet but we do not have to take the money from others to help the have nots, the free market will be the best hope for our type 1 civilization dreams, and yes once we get closer to a type 1 civilization i raly do believe we wont have poverty anymore it wil be an antiquated concept like imagining what it was like to be hunted by sabertooth tigers or what it was like to have to hunt and gather before agriculture, those are problems we dont worry about anymore and dont even understand how it even must ahev felt like! Povertry will be the same Children in 50 to 100 years from now will learn about thepeople living in our time and wonder 'How didthey allow there to just be a billion peopel who didnt even have enough money to Eat everyday and went bed hungry every night (800 milion chronicaly undernourished people today in 2017) and yet the wealthy humans were wasting more food in restaurants and grocery stores than the worlds hungry could even eat! Its insanity that our system is this broken that it can't even take care of everyone yet it allowed them to be biorn....how can we have a planet that allos 7 billion people, grows the food for everyone but doesnt allow them to eat because of.... money? its not moneys fault its greedy asshole humans fault and its not rich peoples faults its governments faults, (except the peope who are rich from working in gov like venezuelan hugo chavez family and thos escum bags who are a;;l wealthy from stealing money frotheir country )
Hey man yeah sorry i am really wound up right now