i think @shalinoth flagged you because you asked for an upvote haha which is a no no
u have to watch oiut! dont ever ask for an upvote or a follow!
I like MOST of your comment, butu must remove the asking for a follow and upvte! it is a very big problem of peopel asking for upvotes and follows, i know u may be doing itin accident but you must not do it anymore or peopel will get very angry! but you will make much moe money when you stop doing it!
anyway just fix that small error of the asking for upvotes and follows "follow back criunge plz dont ever say you want a follow back just because you folowed someone...why would peopel want to follow back every person that follows them?? its not ruight! u have to be acreful! just dont do it again if u want to be succesful ghere, its very rude to ask for folow back and upvotes!
i will giveu ani other chance its fine, heres an upvte to cancel out the flag but he was right to flag u hah just be careful
people are just so senstive about not liking seeing new users ask for follows and votes becaue we see sooo many new users asking for follows and upvotes that it seems liek spam! at least you left a long message and did notjust post 'follow for follow? p;lz upvite!' those ar ethe worst! haha
its ok man, heres an upvote