COMMENTS use COMMENTS just comment alot on whales posts go in #trending and start cpommenting on posts u are interested in, use google images and post relevant images or extera fun facts abouit whatever the high earning post is about
but to be HONEST
there is no one good post theres so many things its like whats the best guide for Instagram?? whats the best FACEBOOk guide??! do u ever hear abouyt reddit guides?!?!?! seriously theres is no one singular one u just have to google steemit beginner guuides untill u find some god ones!I wish i could tel u some but ui just have to google and read the ones u find, u should be reading the posts on trending tho just read @kingscrown and ummm @jerrybanfield actuialy yeah for beginners use @jerrybanfield
U have to just do it! its like life! theres no guide that will work for everyone u have to just post everyday and in high quality which means u have to post lots of images and god originl text and u can stiock to urown life if its interesting enough or just post what u HAVE BEEN posting on ur instagram! i already had a instagram following so i just continued that ...take whatever got u the Most likes when u used inmstagram and do THAT
see what i mean? its all so overwhelmingf or me sometimes so u have to ppick a track to go on, theers SO any traks u can try, and u can jump from track to tracjk if u want
anyway no begionner guide will help u if u arent already someone who has drive and motivation, just mimic the whales u see, most importantly u should post everyday and dont stop and COMMENT ALOT
Oh yeah tahst right COMMENT u need to just comment all day long all night long haha really get into comments! comment USEFUL info and maybe relevant imges or data from wikipedia on every trending post u see