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RE: A conversation with Steemit HACKER @accounttransfers & IMPORTANT SECURITY SUGGESTION for EVERYONE!

in #steemit7 years ago

Glad u got ur account back or maybe the hacker is just poretending he gave it back? lol

hah no i knopw its you now and im GLAD the recovery process worked even tho u signed up very early when they had different instructions about using throwaway email i guess, now they dont tell u to change email so yeah, anyway,

i cant BELIEVE you fell for that trick! How could you just give your master key to some random website you got in a message?? did you even check the name of the account who sent you that message?? lol And being tired cannot be an excuse man!

anyway tell these people in Indonesia about steemit! get them all on steemblockchain and help one become a whale! use some money youve raised to simply transfer it over to an Indonesian Steemit user who is hard working who you can power up to becme a whale or dolphin at least! Al they need is a few grand in steempower to create theor own circleof steemit minnows who they can then payAnd anyway, so how much have you raised for solar products? You know they shipped me my $10 solar chargers FROM malaysia so u should be able tpo get solar chargers cheap there! COst me $25 to send 2 solar chargers tio Ghaa, dunno if they arrived or not yet havent heard from @ortigas100 but @tj4real might be able to tell me if hes heard from him, probobly just in school or work or busy I dunno, but I need to tel u that the best we can do for developing natins peopel is simply get them on steemit and MAYBE if they domt already have smartphones, uy android smartphones, but they need internet smartphoen and solar battery charger and then were good and they can start earning money and theyll need our follows and upvotes but like Stemit Africa team ghana, the steemit users are REALLy getting popular and TJ4real is like getting several new people a week on bopard to steemit its amazing i kep finding him onboarding sooo many people its inspiring to see him work that hard, and they are all basicaly accumulatinga few steem etre and there, so they will be prepared to mke a lot of money when they steem price goes to the moon...thats why people need their steem,...because its like gaving bitcoin when bitcoin is cheap!

every region needs its own steemit whale! We need to decentralized not just the witness nodes but the steempower itself! we cannot have the steempower concentrated in the hands of a few western people, we need people in all the developing nations to have some stee,it whales and dolphins!

ANYWAY good post makes me ABUZZ with energy thinking about this stuff! makes me feel good that u got ur account back before the first power down was even finished! Great so awesome! ANOTHER great reason to hold ALL your steem in Steem POWER so hackers cannot get a DIME unless they can stay in there for over a week! So keep ALL ur steem as steempower everyone!

Time Locks for crypto currency wallets are the future and steemit LEADS the way!