@davebrewer Thats because there is no Steemit MNGMT and there is no steemit marketing team just like Bitcoin doesnt have a marketing team! WE ARE steemit marketing team! And @jerybanfield is the leader of steemit marketing group....steemit is decentralized! they dont HAVE a marketing director! and the small group of official steemit inc "employees" are just incorporated due to some US law, it's just symbolic, its up to all of us steemit users to advertise! no offense but I see many noob comments JUST like yours and u are coming off sounding like a spoiled millennial! You must REALIZE that WE are the maketing team!
BUT HEY about the need for marketing I AGREE we need more and I am doing my part and I know I have to do more! m right theer with you! but we cant expect a decntraized autonmous organization to be doing things a centralized company does, thats like asking why the BITCOIN management ! But look, when u do steemit ads and pay for them yourself and show steemit, steemit will end up paying back in form of upvotes! its a community driven organization!
I got like $40 for this photo (among many others) of me holding a sign made by @monkimo while we visited comic con few weeks ago in san diego (where we live0 and we went JUST to promote steemit and walk around with our sign!
I will be making another one fo these signs for myself (it was @monkimo 's ) and I will be holding it at busy intersections to promote steemit handing out steemit brochures and $1 bills to people like a REVERSE homeless person hahaha
and i will go to the beach on a busy day and just stand thre promoting steemit to people i will even get a Table and have signs and brochures and show people how to signup on steemit etc, Ill also have a BITCOIN sign and Show people how to use Bitcoin as well to REALy get p[eoples atention!