Can we expect to have a Bitcoin and Ethereum and other altcoin wallets inside the internal SBD/Steem exchange?? That would be so fun ! So many steemit users would get to learn Bitcoin trading AND get their first bitcoin wallets all "in house" maybe we could just connect openledger accounts to do it? abut by having one steemit key for your bitcoin and ethereum wallets people would find it so useful to actually have bitcoin and ethereum and altcoins in their steemit wallets/exchange
that is probably far down the line but when we have that, people will just be force of laziness use steemit! there are aLOT of people who would rather just use one website for all their crypto wallets and for many people having altcoins and bitcoin in their steemit wallet would be so useful!!! i wish this was possible but there seems to be so many obstacles to this, hope it can happen one day
they cant cause steemit inc. is located in the USA
well then or some other website can have it? Wait what does steemiut inc being in the US have to do with adding Bitcoin? nah man we can have bitcoin wallets I wasn't taking about USD just bitcoin and ETh we could have wallets, being in the uSA doesn't have anything to do with it
HEY but anyway man its a BIG deal that you showed people how u an sell bitconnect coins on many different exchanges, and so even when bitconnect is down u can STILL do a withdrawal of money with bitconnect !its just another crypto currency and people dont understand that, any altcoin can be valuable if you pump fiat into it