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in #steemit8 years ago

Wow so shes one step ahead of me!
I followed her and i followed you! I used your images above and I hope you can get advice from the other philipino steemit embers who got those steemit billbaords up in Manilla, so we can find out the best strategy for cheapest outdoor advertising for Steemut Africa advertising project with @tj4real and @xpency and @ogoowinner to procure advertising space for us, so we can send them money to buy the advertising for steemit so we can allow our steemit representatives to have more confidence and "clout" while talking about steemit in their hometowns! Imagine if you had steemit ads all over your tiown before and after you start telling eveyrone in the town about steemit! once they see the steemiut billbaords around them, they will start to see steemit in a better luight, theyll se that steemit has enouygh money to aford advertising so steemit must have enough money to get them paid too!

And people just take you more seriously when the website uyour trying to get them to join all of the sudden apears all ovr town and on the radio etc, I have BIG plans for steemiut in dveeloping nations! Its my niche and my plan with @stellabelle involves sending USB dolar chargers to Africa and developing nations (and i want to also send cheap android smartphones with prepaid month of mobile internet so people can get on steemit, make enough posts to pay us back for the smartphopne and internet, so we can buy more smartphones and prepaid internet for ANOTHER potential steemit user experienving poverty, so they can at last have all the tools they need to begin making money on stemit!

We can use @antonette 's case as an inspirational story, and i love watching it unfold before my eyes!

I want to hel;p bring awareness to the developing world and their need for wifi and electricity, two simple 21st centruy human needs that can have a more positive influence on a life than ANY other thing on earth! Internet and a smartphone are ALL someone needs in this world! With the smartphone the possibilities are endless, videos and youtube channelscan be crated! Developing nations tend to have an abuindance of natual beauty AND indigenious cultue dance muisic that can all be expeienced through a steemit users blog, giving us all a wealth of entertainment, culture and general Value that we canpay for in crypto currency,, like this image i compsoed to illustrate myself and @tj4real in Ghana, Africa, trading culture and crypto currency for the raisingof living standards acros the developing world


@ackza Id like tp thank you for your generousity and all of the steemit family who had helped me .I swear to give back to the steemit community what all of you guys have all done to me to become a " Productive Steemian" I will share to others what I have learn from steemit specially what ive learn from the past "Teamphilippines Grand Meet Up " last Aug. 5

I believe that I have a big contribution to this community and everything happends for a reason that all my hardwork and effort and your support guys will be all worthy .Im going to conduct a campaign to introduce more Steemit here and to rural areas.After I have settled and done my kids health and shelter which Im going to do a daily post updates of what this community have changed my life .Its not all about money but the knowledge that I got here is more precious than a gem.

I will use the extra funds for a campaign and for some campaign materials and teach people here how to become a Steemian after I have settled my situation.

Its more than a thank you more than words can say but actions must be done from me as a productive steemit mother.

Well if you want you can look at my latest post which i made al about you and @teamsteem and his donation that sparked an avalanche of kindness,

I highlited all the donations that helped u which also helps steemit ur story is something that cannot be opurchasesd, itd proceless and is an example of how steemit is worth peoples time, ur stopry will get THOUSANDS of people to join steemit, many peopel who are homeless will see this story and ask steemiut for heklp, and peopel who are heomelss who know they are on their last leg will try extra hard to make good content, and many peopel will come here to ask for help and offer thir services, and i will be here to suggest diferent Jobs thgse new comers can pick up immediatly, like hunting for god content on reddit etc, and reposting to steemit in usefukl compilations, or compiling all the top crypto currency news into one post everyday, or so many othetr ways to make money on steemit, even making you own cartoon or comic is a option

anyway I have so many plans in my head for excellent posts and I need people to carry out the work! So I have no doubt that we will be able to handle AND help millions of new users, and they will ALL be able to make money here

and for every story like yours, we will gain mope users, and more posiutive press

eventually people will buy steem JUSt for the humantarian factor! steem can represent an end tyo poverty and steem can represent Food and Shelter and CLothing and Family and we can end up with a system that ends up supporting so many people that even NGOs will want to invest in steem to keep mil;lions of people around teh world fed! Not like a dependency but like a massive online corporation that happens to have hundreds of thousands of employees, it already IS a sort of autonomous company, no CEO no leaders no payroll, just DPOS system to determine pay...upvotes and steempower...its beautoiful, anyway I hope u can see how your story is bigger than you and your donors, your story is a BIG deal for steemit as a whole!

I would love to write this story into some mainstramnews article somehow, we should compile a LIST of all the tiomes a steemit user was helped out like this while on the verge or actualy were homeless, nd we can show ALL the good results of how steem helps those in need, it would be REALLY nice to have a compilation of all the stories like this!

Ok i hope you enjoy my new post! I have to thank @sweetsssj and everyoen e lse who recently upvoted my wall, my posst all doubled or tripled in value in teh course of a fw minutes! Thank you everyone!

And I hope u enjoy my newest post about you!

yes your idea to use some of these funds or future earnings to create a workjshop or Youtube video ad campaign or buy banner ads to promote steemit or hold a local workshop to teach local steemit users how to be succesful like u, ys all great ideas!

and your money ius yours! I ojust suggested u show how its spent as a reminder, to show all details, because some people are OCD and like to see u spent the money wisely, butit all yours! U ccan earn mor elater and u will be able to use your future earnings for your future projects no problem!!!

U are doing great! Keep it uyp and soon youll be making $100 everyday! then youll be able to help peoplethe way you were helped today! its going to be REALLy fun

youve JUST begun! Youre going to be doing VERY well here on steemit!