lol yeah sorry but you shouldnt call peopel styalkers for simply going through your steemit posts..its really rude, also I dont think you should be so defensive just because i fugured out you were running like multipel accounts having fake conversations with yourselfjust to "prime the pump" its fine dude, lot of peopel do it i gues si wa sjust trying tio cinvince you its a waste of tiem and you can get a lot of followers other ways! u can also just keep all ur steempower in one account instead of splitting it between a bunch of diofferent ones
and what do u mean, check his hiostory, my history is pretty impressive man i have a lot fo comments and replies, u should just relaixe i am not trying to upset you but i am trying to let you know its obvius what u wer doing but whatever its fine just dont like pretend that im doing anything wrong man, im free to comment on ur bloga ndanyones blogs and u dont have the power to hide thos ecomments yet unless u get some more steempower, so thats hpow this place works, its fine man, u dont have to flag, u can just be nice and ill upvote u, see hpw ity works?
listento @nideo and just explain to me if i am wrong and prove that you are not all those people lol its fine its not like u did something illegal , u arent going to have any consequences fpor what u did, i was just calling u out!
and hey maybe i was wrong! but no one makes that many anonsteem accounts from your accountjust to give them to classmates lol its like they could have used to sign up for free, but just check the walet hiostory of @foxhound it actually shows your anonsteem hiostriya dn the acounts you created!! thats not private info brop! thats not stalking! it was right there in your wallet!
i find it funny that you millenials call it "stalking" to visit a publicly available socia;l media page lol
Anyway bro heres a 2 cent Upvoite for you, enjoy
maybe u should just be nice to me, the guy whose handing outr free money to you! lol
and dont worry, i dont ahve any need to keep talking to you, u can always mute me if u want, there is a mute button on everyons profile page! but i only replied because you replied top me so it showed up in my reply list, but thats all, dont wory man, u dont ahve to be scared
foxhound creates accounts for those who don't have phone numbers or want second accounts to be part of the same group btw. she is a member on the ign metal gear solid boards. it's a group, not a person. you don't have to believe me, you should check out her intro post. and most of us are friends IRL, but the group has quadrupled in size and now has many new faces who are creating their own anon accounts
anyway, see u around the block. don't make assumptions and don't draw hasty conclusions. I've never been nice to someone just because they had money, and if that is your only redeeming quality, then we are not going to get along, not on here and not in real life.
ok my bad, just know i never flagged anyone just upvotes!
oh well at least now yoyu have nme as your follower and upvoter! i wioll be gicvin oyut $1 uopvotdd :Di apologize to @foxhound
it's ok. every rick needs a morty
just teasing. you seem chill.
muting you wouldn't allow me to upvote you, and I like upvoting you. it gives you money and it increases my voting power
so keep on policing me all you want honey bee. we are having fun. I will always upvote you 1% for your trolling.
and 100% for ur cool artwork ;]
lol im not policing anyone!
i upvote you too! theres no peroblem heres !
nheres 3 cent upvote 30%. enjoy!
more art 4 u
oh my god these are sooo cooooool!!!!!!!!
magnificent! that last one!!