Yes I really hope Ned or Steemit inc gets some official representatives hired in Africa, maybe one for every country :D but I really do believe Africa can be a proving ground for new technology especially steem, I see it working everyday for Africans! I just hope Steemit inc gets officials on the ground or at least some representation of Steem Blockchain in Africa like laying down the Mycelium for the mushrooms to fruit. We need to lay down the substrate of steem blockchain for the steemit front end and other front ends to grow and crystallize their social networks. Social networks kinda do grow like crystals form slowly with molecules just accumulating, kind of like the way the people on a social network online grab new people and the networks grow like a spider web with each person interacting with multiple people like a nerve Cell having many dendrites interacting with many other neurons .
Everyone who has joined since kwakumax will keep benefiting as long as this network keeps growing word of mouth in Ghana (Which it will because people notice the much higher levels of income people start making very fast very easy compared to other online ventures)
Even if no new people in Ghana or the world joined steem, we just need our own users to buy more of our own SP, and the aprox 76 million liquid steep is not powered up, and we can power up a lot of that, we can get the circulating liquid supply of steem down to bitcoin levels, and then we can get it even smaller than that and right now there isn't even a couple million steem available across the major exchanges, maybe 2 million, youd have to go to the top accounts on steemit to get another 10 million or so steem but then, the rest of it? I don't know I am guessing it is split up between many small accounts perhaps? And then I also don't know where one would go to buy up more than 1 million steem... That would be difficult to buy on Binance that would mean youd have to buy the entire daily volume worth of steem on binanceto get a million! Now around 700k steem a week or around 28 million steem a YEAR will be generated in 2018 according to @banjo
Year | Supply | Inflation | New Supply |
2016 | 250,000,000 | 9.50% | 23,750,000 |
2017 | 273,750,000 | 9.08% | 24,854,398 |
2018 | 298,604,398 | 8.66% | 25,854,554 |
2019 | 324,458,952 | 8.24% | 26,727,942 |
2020 | 351,186,894 | 7.82% | 27,452,027 |
so if we can just get people to power up around 28 million steempower a year we can ensure the steem is so scarce that only a few million steem would be liquid, that's what I am imagining! it can be driven up to $100s of dollars per steem if we power up enough steem and create enough of a demand for it, and create a chain reaction self pumping price where we advertise steem as a sort of Passive Income tool where you buy Steempower, rent it out for liquid and just keep powering that up for more and more, growing and growing, and this is something that earns you more and more as steem price goes up, so it will make people REALLy NEED that SP just to DO this sort of Passive Income system, which we can make a SNAZZY nice fronte nd for! A simple minnobooster like fronte nd that lets you Instanbtly signup, buy SP wioth BTC or whatever crypto using blocktrades etc and then the site can immiedtaly help you rent out your Sp or sell your votes, whicver makes more passive income and the whole p[rocess can even have users post from their account lil posts showing that they just participated in a passive icnome program, use nice graphics, and make it kind alike a promotinal way to earn possibly lil extra from posts about hoiw you just invested this much or that much BTC into Steem and powered it up! And people do resopiodn welll toi posts about powering up steem! If I saw a front end making allthese autoamted posts from peopeles new accounts who are all Powering up 10 steempower 100 steempower there, 500 steempower here 1000 steempower there I would LOVE that! I would LOVE a website to kind of show off steem and its pasive income vote selling or Sp leasing as a way to make passive income IF you are OK with the risk that steem may not go up in price, its nota garuyntee, but if you like the technology and are confident in it like I am and we are,m think about it, you COULD sell steem as a passive income system and a simpel website could eanr all its money from posts and beneficiary rewards and jst help people sell their vote or lease thgeir SP that the ALSO help users buy after helpingthem signup, all iun a VERY user friendlky WIZARD a Steem signup, steem buying, powerup and SP leasing WIZARD tool! Anyway that could REALLy help us grab a LOT of new investors, make them think they're getting some sort of free money every day which they are,but frame it more like a easy to use passive income system that uses steem and the fact that when you buy Steem you can stake it but then you can just sell votes or lease SP instead of having to self vote, and that garuntees you effportless passive income, its not tHAT much but it IS nice profit and if STEEM price goes up it CAN be VERY profitable! That's what we ultamitley depend on to really sell the dream,but anyway my comments already gotten too long!
Anyway I just think Steem is the best bet for Africans trying to earn some Bitcoin, and eventually steem will replace Bitcoin as the currency of choice for the common people like silver with Bitcoin being like Gold, always accepted but more of a hassle when youre trying to use it to buy food :D But using a silver coin to buy food makes more sense! Bitcoin seems OK for big purchses online and in person but for everyday stuff steem and its free transactions and cheaper price makes more sense in a common sense way even if its arbitrary what the price is... It just feels more accesible to have a $4 or even $1.50 Steem price.. (But that steem while its cheap, it will bounce back)