While researching for a more in depth article about Steemit, I came across some startling figures I thought worth sharing here.
Web traffic to Steemit is skyrocketing. Those who think Steemit cannot overtake Facebook or Reddit must see these numbers.
It's not just traffic, people are sticking around and participating on Steemit. And anyone who's built a platform knows that "engagement" is far more valuable than merely pageviews.
According to Alexa, daily page views per visitor on Steemit are up 280% to over 10 pages. The average time on site is nearing 15 minutes per session. These figures are almost unheard of on the internet.
In fact, engagement at Steemit is already comparable to Facebook's! Note that Facebook is crashing while Steemit is picking up steam.
How much you wanna bet that Zuckerberg would rather have Steemit's numbers?
Here's a quick look at Reddit's engagement:
Update: Here's one image with all three to easily compare the engagement stats:
We joined Steemit yesterday. Follow us @activistpost
Have you got any recent numbers ? 10months in the future and this is smack on.
Very interesting and thank you for sharing this info. I keep it as simple as this for myself.
Everything operates on a "Bell-Curve", whether MySpace, Facebook, Steemit, or life itself (birth -adolescence - adulthood-old age - death).
Time on one axis, growth and decay on the other. It is only a matter of determining where we presently are on any given curve.
Facebook has, imo, peaked on the curve and is on the downward slope unless they can majorly innovate in some way. Steemit, on the other hand, is at the very beginning of the first "upslope."
These figures are very encouraging indeed. @davidbrogan You got an upvote and a follow for this.
I think this is the bell curve you are thinking of:
All things have a beginning and an end, a rise and a fall.
Steem on,
Ask, and ye shall receive LOL... this is it EXACTLY Mike :) Well done!
Hey @activistpost great article, yeah I think you are 100% correct, I just made a video on my Youtube channel last night about this, and now is on my brand new steemit blog, about how we can take this new steemit social media platform over for real activism to make real change, def gonna give you a follow, and please check out my work:I want to see facebook fall away like myspace. If it be steemit or some other vehicle, maybe like a good book or long walk with the dog or even the family. Best wishes
It's hard to imagine a giant like Facebook falling like MySpace, but it certainly seems more possible now than it did before Steemit came along.
Mark Zuckerberg needs to get in on the grounf floor of steemit. I can see the day when Aol buys facebook. Lol
Do u know how alexa works? Alexa's rating is relies on the feed they receive from Alexa toolbars. Now how many of us today have Alexa toolbar installed in our browser? I guess, very few. Hence, though Alexa represent a certain set of Internet users, they are pretty backward in terms of using latest Internet tech. Hence, I believe, Steem is at a far better position already than what Alexa shows.
There are other websitea you can use to chexk this super uber basic data. Similarweb, compete
The Alexa figures are off the charts! Obviously a lot of the engagement is from people with Steemit accounts, which is still great, but I want to know how many people without accounts are using Steemit, that's the real acid test.
Excellent information and analysis. I found the following bell curve spoken of in another reply. It has FaceBook at the precipe and only naturally it is downhill from there.
I think steemit is only at the beginning of its rise.
Steem on,
it looks definitely gooood ;-)
Wonderful! I've all but abandoned fb in favor of steemit. The posts are just so much more interesting :D
I wish we could abandon Facebook too. But unfortunately Facebook is still relevant. Much less so than a couple years ago, but people still congregate and share ideas there. Hopefully Steemit displaces it. These numbers are very encouraging.
I did find out about steemit on facebook ;)
Over 10 pageviews per user and 15 minutes on site is CRAZY! Plus the bounce rate of less than 40% and sinking fast. Watch out Reddit and Facebook!
Yup. The incentives to participate at Steemit appear to be working well.
This will only increase as more people find out about Steemit. I think many still do not even know it exist.
Although it's interesting to see the stats compared, I think it's a bit of an apple vs orange situation. Steemit seems geared more for content producers. I've mainly just seen articles. While FB is that and lots other thing.
I don't come to Steemit to post a quick meme or check out what my family is up to. I can use Steemit for content I've produced and look at other authors and artitst and support them.
I guess I'm just not convinced that if Steemit does well, that means FB has to be doomed. I see them running parallel if anything.
The thing is Facebook has been trying to "gear more for content producers" for some time now. But they're failing because they don't provide the proper incentives. They want people to post original content and FB rewards them by allowing more people to see that content. The user may be rewarded with more Likes at their page but that's it. Some large news producers on FB have even been offered ad revenue profit sharing, kinda like YouTube and Google ad shares.
It's all very interesting.
Well i can only hope in the future we are all on steemit, twister and other blockchain based network instead of the commercial privacy undermining services most people use now :)
Is there a way to keep track of number of posts, replies, votes, users, engaged users?
Good news...
The steemit community is growing and doing what it should do, share knowledge and experiences.
Great job, keep growing!!!
Might become a tasty buyout for Zuckerberg soon, if it keeps the pace.
It certainly is on the radar.
Great info. Steemit is approaching the top 10,000, which is frankly one of the most amazing website growth stories ever.
Great data. Thanks for sharing.
I know I personally spend a few minutes max on Facebook each day. I don't even want to say how much I use Steemit - more than I should. What will this data look like a year from now? Exciting!
Very cool, ide like to see this change over time, is there a site doing this already?
Blows my mind how all these basic alexa posts can always manage to get hundreds of votes without saying anything new. Kudos to you for taking advantage.