Hey and welcome to Steemit :)
A Brit Steemian here also so I'm hoping I can help out a bit. Steemit is a bit of a learning curve but it's great fun.
It's a great place and for new Steemians and there's loads of people that will be happy to help.
As the Welcomebot says. Make sure you get Discord and go to the PALnet channel https://discordapp.com/invite/HYj4yvw
Also, check out what myself and others at #promo-uk are doing. We are working on getting more Brits to the channel!
Finally, there's also a #TeamGB started that is a bit of fun for SteemWars :) that are looking for new members :)
Thank you for the kind welcome, for the tips and links. I'll certainly check them out in order to try and gain some semblance of understanding!