Why Creating Great Content Isn't Enough on Steemit - and how to do something about it!✨

in #steemit7 years ago

I can almost guarantee that you know someone super talented. A friend who sings or plays an instrument, an aunt who paints, a neighbor who cooks the most amazing recipes.

The same friend who never joined a band and only sings when they're drunk. The same aunt who throws her paintings in the trash because she thinks no one else would like them and she just does it for fun. The same neighbor who would never in a million years think about opening a restaurant. Even thought they have amazing content - they don't have the drive or desire to share it consistently, or turn it into a career.


Steemit is amazing because it gives a chance to anyone to share their passions and talents - and earn money. Now, some of those people who didn't care about sharing their talent, have a reason to care because they can potentially earn money "easily". I see quite a few people complaining about how they spent hours on a post only to earn just a few cents in upvotes. Creating good content, isn't enough on Steemit. It's not enough anywhere. It never has been. There's always been super talented people. There's great content everywhere on the Internet. So, how do you stand apart?


The truth is, the reason some people make it and others don't, 99% of the time, has not much to do with content, and everything to do with dedication and networking. So, you spent 4 hours today creating a post, but, how much time did you spend building a following? Steemit is no different from anywhere else you can share your talents. Creating a network to support your content is as important, if not more important, than creating the content. How much time do you spend telling people you're connected with in real life,or on other networks, to come follow you on Steemit? How much time do you spend seeking out, commenting on and upvoting other people's great content here on Steemit? How much time do you spend browsing tags and finding out where your content fits in?


By putting some effort into building your network, you can almost guarantee you'll start to see success build over time. There is no 100% guaranteed fast and easy way to make money on Steemit, even with great content. I'm still pretty new here, but by focusing on building my network as well as creating content, I've seen my posts go from earning just a few cents, to earning an average of closer to a dollar, and some posts even earn a few dollars, in under a month. I hope this post will help you be able to take better advantage of the opportunity Steemit offers, I know I plan to be on here for a long time to come! If you feel you found value in this post, remember to follow me, comment, resteem and upvote!

Me in my art gallery showroom


By being persistent and sharing my art as much as possible, and building connections with people, I went from my first painting to doing art full time in only 3 years. Now art has been my full time career for over 3 years, I have my own line of silk scarves, woven heirloom blankets and more, and my original art is in collections in 26 different countries! -Adam

I invite you to check out my work @ https://www.NexusVisions.com/art



Nice Adam, you proved you're dedicated. Keep it up man, and thanks for hooking me up with this Steemit videogame

YW, thanks for hooking me up with tons of inspiration and motivation! I'm 99.9% sure I'd never be where I am now if I didn't know you and have your example of hard work and dedication to follow. Peace bro, safe travels

You want a quality following, not just a statistic. I see so many who farmed followers and have thousands of them, while their work still goes unnoticed.

I'd also recommend earning today, and holding. Don't flip it right away. You got this far in life without the added income, keep going. I worked my ass off in the early days and held on to nearly everything. Best thing I ever did. Power it up. You'll be able to give out more and you'll get a bigger chunk of the curation reward as well. When we post, curators take 25%(roughly). If you curate and earn curation rewards, you get back what you lost, slowly...or at least something. And it adds up...and I'm rambling. Have a good day.

Slow and steady is the way I've built what I have so far, here and outside of Steemit. I've got a long term mentality towards my art career and Steemit. I have a pretty big following outside Steemit, on FB, Minds and my e-mail list. I'm telling them all about this place. I'd rather they follow me here than elsewhere. Here the formatting for posts is better, the vibe is better and the long term earning potential is better. I might have to flip some of what I earn here at first, either that or get a job which would leave me less time for here, so catch 22 sort of. Of course all that can change overnight if I sell one or 2 big paintings lol entrepreneurlife.jpg

I like that picture. Here's something that was posted up on the bulletin board in the staff room of a restaurant I worked at.

Funny thing is. That was the place that fired me shortly before the events I mentioned in my post today.

lol I like that, I suppose it was meant to be! I learned at one point ATFB - your Attitude determines your available Thoughts, your thoughts determine your available Feelings, and those determine your choice of Behaviours.

You hit the nail on the head, yes success on steemIt is about networking and building up an audience. Thanks for making this post @adammillwardart you have a new follower

Part of why Steemit has me so excited it it allows you to do that without getting banned for posting on "strangers" posts, or sending messages to people you're not friends with like on Facebook! lol Nice to connect, I'm checking out your blog in a sec ;)

Thanks for the great advice :)

Most welcome! :)

Great post, buddy! I am also new on Steemit and I also think that networking and communication is the key to success on Steemit. Apart from earning money people can also establish personal relations with each other, and this will help in their personal growth as well as the growth of the community. Best wishes!

Nice to connect :) My best friend is director of Polygon network, a network of jewelers. I've been trying to convince him to join here, but he doesn't seem terribly interested. lol

Convince him, mate, it would be fun to have a jewelry community on Steemit too. Glad to hear❤️

Great post Adam. This is definitely a long haul. I think it’s also important to point out the value in the depth and quality of the relationships we create. Discord groups are a great way to dig deeper into networks. I’ve met some fascinating people on Slothicorn’s Discord channel. Highly recommend.

I'm getting more into all the layers of interaction here. Slow and steady is the mantra!

Great post friend..:) Resteemed..!!

Thank you! :)

Great post! I am doing just that before I even introduce myself formally to the steemit community.

Follow back if you'd like!

I don;t know what you're going to post yet, so I don;t want to follow you yet. I'd advise you to put some content on your page so people who already followed you don't unfollow you when you start to post.

I am very close to beginning to post original content. What would you advise some new to steem like myself to do regarding steem dollars, steem power, etc..? Or do you know of any good articles that can explain it well?

Great post! I am still looking for my niche. I'm a published author, but I also own one of the most haunted homes in America (per HGTV) So I post about ghosts and post a few poems and even a short story. But mostly I look for people that seem to be someone I would want to have a conversation with at the local coffeehouse and I try to friend them. Slow , but hopefully will be productive.

Oh wow cool, nice to "Steemeet"you :) I saw a ghost once in an apartment I lived in about 18 years ago. Long story, I should probably make a post about it some time! I need to start talking into a camera, I'm sorta nervous about creating videos, but, it's so much faster than typing out long stories! lol

People really like videos. I have a few on YouTube. I tell ghost stories. Maybe I should try Dtube for that. There are so many ways to use Steemit. It all hasn't clicked together for me yet. I want to learn to accept Steem for ghost hunts at Hill House Manor. It would be an easy way to get new Steemit members and show that it works in the real world. I cringe when I think of all the people I made open a paypal account so they could send me deposits.

Steemit does have a lot of layers to it, it's quite amazing actually how many ways there are to use this platform! Still figuring out a lot of it myself. That's ok though, I plan on being here a while so I'll learn as I go lol I've got to figure out how to accept Steem and/or SBD for my art. I"m still a LITTLE nervous about doing that because of the potential price fluctuations,but as I get more familiar and comfortable with how it all works and how to move the funds around to keep my biz afloat, I'll probably it a shot.

Well said sir.

I am a newbie on steemit.

Until now, everything is strange to me.
After reading your post, I got encouraged to keep pushing.

I will appreciate if you could recommend a group chat to me.

I have already followed and upvoted you.

. please visit my profile and support me


So far I don;t really do any chats, if you find a good one let me know :)

This really is good advice. I am also an artist and have just been more dedicated to sharing daily over the past month and half and I do take time to read others and comment. I sincerely like to look around and have met some great people on here. It's amazing to think this platform allows for us, particularly we artists, to meet other great talented people, share things we all genuinely like and want to see and also earn from it? I love steemit! And I am happy to have found another artist, your work is amazing. I am now following and going to check out your work on your site link now!

Followed you back, and gonna go check out your posts in a sec! lol

Wonderful, thannks. I'm glad I found you :)